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Fri, 21 Dec 2007 19:33:55 EST
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I just want to wish the FML a very glorious 20th Aniversary!!!! I am
pretty new here too and I can't get enough of the FML. BIG, I really
don't know how you do it!!!1 The FML has taught me so much about
ferrets. In fact. I realized the other day I know more about ferrets
than I know about dogs who have always been in my life. I can halp my
ferret so much more than my poor Chi, Bella MIa (I've only been owned
by ferrets about 8 yrs and by dogs ALL my life)!.There is more love
in this one daily list. There is more caring and understanding than
amywhere else I know of. The laughter from so many your posts helps so
much in a world full of sadness. I check out each and every video and
every web page as I read along! I love to see in the posts the love and
kinship you have for each other. The mysteries and stories that so many
of you create makes each and every day so special. And of course, none
of this could have been accomplished without BIG!!!!!!! Thank You so
much BIG! You are THE man!

I do want to wish everyone on the FML a very Merry Cristmas and many
many more to come (I hope we all share them together too!). I want to
thank Wolfy for all the fun and laughter, the colburns for their great
stories (is there another one coming soon?), Sukie for all her ferret
knowledge, Isabelle Gucci and Super Tonks for their love and and
sharing teir new wonderful adoption with us, Kat parsons who is ever
giving, Renee Downs who we hear of from everyone else--she never seems
to stop moving, the Bridge Greeters who have helped just about every
one of us in ourr worst times of grief. I want to thank especially,
Kris for his annual endless work on the Giving Tree to see that as many
little shelter ferrets as possible get Xmas gifts!!! Loris Sies, you
who had started one of the biggest ferret rescues in American history
and the unbeleivable way the FML people ( and many other groups) picked
up on it and accomplished the impossible. ithout you 100's of sweet
furballs would be out in the harsh cold anohter winter without a
hammy and love of a human!!!! I just can't possibly mention everyone
(Larayssa, Sprite, Susan Theil, Kim Fox on and on and on)!!!! Just
thank- you for making the year of 2007 one of the greatest years ever
for me. I thank god for bringing you all into my life and I want to
especially thank all the special little ferrets who came into my life
and many who tragically left it! Thank you all for the comfort and
sympathies when I so tragically lost my Fearless Shakespeare! I felt
like many of you cried with me! And last thank-you to god for bringing
ferrets into my life beginning 8 yrs ago starting with my Nibbles and
now with my last lonely girl, Gracie Girl. Thank-you for bringing me
and my ferts my little tiny Chihuahua, Bella Mia into my life and my
ferrets (her and Gracie just love each other and yes, Bella still loves
ferret food and ferret treats- NO dog treats). And if god sees fit,
please bring me another little fert.

Thank-you everyonne and Happy Holidays to all of you!!!

PS. Oh and thanks god for my Hooman kids and hubby (almost forgot)

[Posted in FML 5828]