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Thu, 26 Sep 2002 20:05:45 EDT
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Sandee, it breaks my heart to ask this again so soon after Wriggley's
crossing but look for Cinnamon.  We had to help her cross the Bridge on
Monday afternoon.  She is my 7 yr old baby who has been in renal failure
since early April.  She became ill at that time and quit eating her
kibble.  We managed to get her stablized on a chicken baby food, ground
KD, pedialite and vitamin mixture and sub q fluids.  She improved and
did pretty well until a few weeks ago when she developed an inner ear
infection and while she improved on meds she never seemed to come back
after that.  About 10 days ago she began to deteriorate and last weekend
was to the point that she did not move from any place that I put her.
She was also in pain and had a patch to help this.  So...the decision was
made that it was time.  The vet did a necropsy and told me today that not
only did she have kidney disease but she had bone cancer, an extremely
bad pancreas and liver.  Now that she is at the bridge she is well and
happy once again.
I want to share a few things as to what made Cinnamon special.  She was
my first ferret.  My exhusband had her first but she spent her first
night with me and I knew little about ferrets then.  She had a more
pronounced back curve than most and when I put her on the floor for the
first time I thought something was wrong with her with that curvature <g>
but of course there was nothing wrong.
She spent a lot of time with me that first summer and I fell in love with
her so I talked my ex husband into letting me buy her from him.  Best
thing he ever did<g>  Cinnie also had a penchant for toothbrushes.  She
would steal them at every opportunity, she would climb up on the sink and
steal mine, go into the bags of visitors and take theirs.  There were
many screams of indignation from my daughter's slumber party friends over
that activity.
She was 2 yr old when I first brought home Sabrina and she promptly had
to show her who was the alpha ferret.  She got Bree by the nape of the
neck and proceeded to drag her away, towards the steps, luckily I was
able to rescue Bree before she became a ferret sled.
Cinnamon is responsible for my love of ferrets and for that I thank her.
Sandee, please make sure she finds Sabrina, who preceeded her two years
ago and Wriggley who crossed only one month ago.  Also, my dog Alex, who
crossed 2 yrs ago as well.  Cinnie loved to sneak up on him, bite him on
the foot and run, leaving him bewildered as to what had just happened.
She also did that to Kenzie, the dog I have now, she had Kenzie confused
to as to how this little 1 pound creature had the nerve to bite her, a
55 pound dog, on the foot.  There was many a staring contest between
Cinnamon and Kenzie, no one ever told Cinnamon that she was too small to
be taking on a dog in that fashion.
Help her find ferratone falls and a hammock to curl up in and tell her
that her Mommy misses her terribly, also tell Wriggs and Bree that I miss
them as much.
Ann, Jillian, Zoey and  Kenzie
[Posted in FML issue 3918]