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Doug Gerald <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Jul 1996 18:47:37 -0400
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi All!
Shadow here!  Dooks to all, condolences(SP?) (Tory tol' me how to spell dis)
(he da smartist 'cause he's the oldest) to all you pets who've lost their
love-fuzzies.  Must be jus AWFUL.  But da Rainbow Bridge is a great place,
we knos all your lover ones is waitin' for you there!
We's ben readin' 'bout the other ferts who've experienced the big white
water bowl (or as we call it, the procelin God - some humans kneel before it
ya' know!) Lori had a fust hand (paw) encounter with ours.  (She didn't want
me to tell ya's 'bout it, but Tory, Misty & Diva are holding her down while
I get this sent) (She don' think it's dignyfied)
One bath day it happened!  We gets our baths in the little water bowl next
to 'the procelin God' and WE FIGHTS A GOOD FIGHT when we has to take a bath!
Lori was fussin' & twistin' as usual when she saw her chance to escape!
She's a good jumper and thought that the porcelin God wasn't very far away
from the little water bowl.  Her dive would go down in the fert Olympics as
a "10" - 'cept she din't figure on the lid bein' off 'o the 'porcelin God'.
(musta' ben the big male human who dun it) Half way down, she realized the
sitiation, and tried to break the fall.  (hee hee - fust time I seen her
look so scared - her eyes got twice their reguler size!) She grabbed for the
edge of the seat thingy, but missed and did the purtiest duble flip I ever
saw!  The splash was trimendous!  She camded up outa that water so fast,
coffin' & wheezin' & scramblin'!  Us & our pets jus' rolled aroun' laffin'
til that wet stuffs come outa our eyes & our sides hurt!  She din't speak to
nun of us for a week - (it took 'bout that long for us to quit chuklin'
every time we saw her) but she did tell Tory & me if we ever told anybodies,
she was gonna beat us up.( she can do it, too!) Now she waits until she's
away from the 'porcelin God' and wrapped up in her towl 'fore she's starts
As for the Olympics up here in Alaska, we tip mooses and stash moosey
nuggets for our events.  Where do you stash mooses and HOW?  They's BIG (no -
not our BIG here on the FML - jus' huge) and you'd need lots 'o room in
your hidey hole for one 'o them guys!
Rosie, Maxie, Odie & Tater(Lori LOVES to hide taters!) - congradulations!
Looks like you got all the jobs filled, so's we's volunterin' for guests at
the weddin'.  Us guys'll be ready to help in case anyone gets outo' hand
tho.  Lori, Diva & Misty is all 'cited & wants us to dress fancy (our little
female pet has a bunch 'o little clothes in her room & the girls been busy
stealin' 'em & tryin' 'em on!) (wimmin'!  - no 'fence Rosie & Maxie) But me
& Tory ain't havin' nun of it!
Uh oh!  Lori's gettin' loose - gotta go!
Shadow - HELLLP!!!
Lori - SHADOW ! - You're history!
Tory - I think I'll just sneak off & take a nap now! ZZZ
Misty - RUN !!! (Think I'll just take this bag of noodles with me!)
Diva - HUH?!
The Hoomans - Doug, Sue & Penny
[Posted in FML issue 1641]