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Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:54:53 EDT
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Property taxes on your home and donating:

Just opened up my mail and was fairly upset at one letter. The taxes on
my small home are going up by thousands of dollars a year. I don't know
why I did not think this would happen to me. My sister and her hubby
have to sell their home. They have a giant of a home, and their taxes
are going up so high, they cannot afford them at all now. They are
getting their house ready to put it up for sale, and are looking into
other states to live.

Please be careful when donating to take into consideration that if
you own a home...you may be in for a nasty monetary surprise. Also,
your heating bills may be hundreds more a month if you live in a poorly
insulated home. Electric has also gone up. My nephew paid $450 a
month for heat last winter for his small home. It is 2 stories and
basement...a little over a thousand five hundred feet. I am paying his
utilities now and for the next 3 months as he has been badly injured.
I shudder to think what I will be paying Nov. and Dec.

But the taxes are over the top and of grave concern to me. Maybe you
won't have this happen to you. I am in Illinois. You might want to find
out now...Then, when planning on what you are going to donate, you will
be better prepared for YOUR future..

[Posted in FML 5743]