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Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Dec 2007 01:12:54 -0500
text/plain (38 lines)
Ok, as much as I hate to get involved in all this I feel I need to say
a few things. I was up volunteering and took supplies up and was very
upset when I arrived and found some of the babies still in the DMK
cages when there was a yard full of nice good cages not being used
because they had bottoms such as Superpet cages, Midwest cages. I was
angry because not only were the babies still not moved out of the DMK
cages but people in the ferret community jumped in fast and got those
and bedding(also piled up and not being used) there right away They
either mailed them at great cost or delivered them. So why the money
figures??they don't come together from what I saw there.

I want to know if the house used as the "alternitive shelter" was
bought for that purpose and if so what will be done with it now. The
word up there when I was there was that Lori was going to fix it up and
rent it out. Also what became of all the supplies that were not being
used? Also the vet bill???most of the ferrets were taken by shelters
and other people at their expence...The plummer yes we had water at the
Alternative shelter to flush the toliet and water out of a garden hose.
It was hot and we had to mist the babies and put ice in the cages with
fans to keep them cool. The main shelter wasn't like that of course I
was only there for about 5 minutes and told they had to lock up and
go out eat. Which a select handful did everyday but almost everyday
ferrets were brought down to us as a staging area whatever that meant
other than someone said that Lori did'nt want people to go to the Main
shelter and pick and choose. Why were the best and healthiest going to
special people and where were all the kits and the older adults???So
many questions and no answers...I feel I was had but mainly I feel the
people that jumpped in and got supplies there and went to help got
snubbed down on...But the babies was why I went there and I never cried
so much as I did when I was there from so many emoitions, sadddness,
anger ,happiness seeing those babies laying on their backs in the
hammocks feet in the air so content....I think it is time to come
clean on all of it with the truth and account for the monies and

[Posted in FML 5810]