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Barbara Wiborg <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 22:08:26 -0600
text/plain (44 lines)
There have been several posts from people who are looking for homes for
their fuzzies because they aren't allowed to have them where they live.
Before you move to a new place, be sure to find out if ferrets are allowed
first.  If you decide to "sneak them in", be prepared to have a responsible
plan "B", if you get caught.  Finding new homes for your fuzzies is not a
responsible plan"B".
When I bought my condo, I assumed that because they accepted cats, that the
ferrets would be acceptable too.  I have since found out that they aren't,
so I have to keep them in hiding.  If, however, I do get "caught", I will
sell the condo and move out, before I would ever get rid of my babies.  I
will never "assume" again.  Please think ahead before you let ferret math
strike.  It isn't fair to the fuzzies.
I believe that a "packrat" is actually a rodent that collects anything and
everything it finds and packs it away in its underground den.  Sound
Bonding with fuzzies can be done by spending time touching (holding,
stroking, cuddling) and playing with your fuzzies.  I have also found that
when they are sick or injured that they bond very quickly from the care and
attention they get.  If you have several ferrets, try spending quality time
with each one individually without the others around to distract him/her.
I find this works real well.
I bought a book called "A Tao Full of Detours -The Behavior of the Domestic
Ferret" by Fara M. Shimbo.  It has a lot of very interesting and convincing
evidence regarding ferrets being "domesticated" (in case anyone has any
doubts...), and lots of other interesting info about why ferrets do what
they do.  It gets a little scientific, but it is easy to understand.  I
ordered it from FerretWare.
Well, time to go bond with my kids...take care of all those fuzzies out
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies;
Lucy  (I'm not a packrat, I'm a gardian angel of socks.)
Greta  (Momma, can you cuddle me again? I wanna give you nose kissies!)
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2575]