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Judith White <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:48:01 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
>Hello.  I was wondering if there is an updated Shelter list that tells
>about number of ferrets and the shelters needs.  The link I have to the
>SOS posts such a list to the FML, so you can check the FML archives for
>that information.   [Nothing too recently though.  BIG]
I haven't sent the FML Shelter List to BIG in maybe two years.  If
people would like a copy in the FML archives, I can start sending it
to him again.
After we put the Shelter List on our web site, we stopped asking BIG
to send it to all the members of the FML.  I never figured out how I
could make it easier for him, but it took him a lot of work to format
it and get it ready to send out to all of you.
Anyway, the shelter list link is at the top of our home page (see
below).  The list is divided into four parts because of its length.
Non-U.S. shelters come first, then all the states in alphabetical
If you see that we have missed a shelter, or are still listing a
closed shelter, please do let me know.
Also, any shelter on our list is more than welcome to send me updated
information at any time.
* * * Support Our Shelters * * *
          100 Walsh Road
        Lansdowne, PA 19050
Helping the Shelters of the Ferret Mailing List
Ask me how you can help a shelter near you.
    <[log in to unmask]>
Tax-Deductible Donations through PayPal:
<[log in to unmask]>
[Moderator's note: A lot of people ask and I send the link but the
info in the link seems old too.  Maybe it's worth trying the FML
route once again for the next version of the shelter list since so
many people ask.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4604]