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Kevin Bonner <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:44:31 EDT
text/plain (65 lines)
Hey and Dooks to the toe nippers <ouch!>
I read Signes post about housing discrimination pertaining to pets.  Being a
co-manager of a 95 unit apartment complex there are a few things I can say.
Laws on that matter may vary from state to state.  Most allow the owners or
managers to "Restrict" the types, sizes, breed, etc. of pets allowed.  Other
laws allow for "Pet Fees" or "Pet Deposits" which are sometime astronomical.
Now wait a minute.  I am co-manager of this complex.  My roomie is the
manager.  The complex has a strict "NO PETS" rule in the lease.  How is it
WE have animals <ferts & min-pins>??????  It is NOT a case of "We are the
managers and can do what we please".
One thing an apartment cannot "Discriminate" against is a "Companion
Animal" as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act.  Most FAQs on
"Assistive Animals" mention dogs or cats "specifically trained to assist
the disabled person".  This would include guide dogs, hearing dogs, etc.
Yet with speaking with investigators from the Federal Fair Housing Agency
(the ones who investigate discrimination in housing) it can include other
"Companion Animals" is normally defined as ANY ANIMAL that which provides
comfort, companionship, or assistance to an individual.  This would include
emotional support to persons with mental / emotional "disabilities" or
animals that can basically detect the onsset of seizures (as my friends cat
Kimo does).  There are people out there with a variety of disorders which
have valid doctors prescriptions for animals.
Yes, I suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety.  Yes, I have a
prescription indicating the benefits the animals provide to my mental and
emotional health.  No, I can't deduct them from my medical expenses as
"anti-depressants" <lol - wish I could, the food and vet bills alone!!!!!>.
This compex has a wide variety of animals whose owners all have valid
medical prescriptions for companion animals.  Birds, dogs, mice, ferrets,
cats, fish ... The people have a variety of medical reasons from hearing
loss, loss of sight, ADD, emotional problems, PTSD, etc.
I personally feel that most of the problems stems from disinformation and
prejudice against specific animals such as ferrets.  It may be well worth
the time to invest a few minutes with a potential manager or landlord to
ask why they don't allow ferrets.  Then try to educate them about the
animals.  It may be that a lot of what they "know" comes from sources that
are not so credible.  Imagine if you didn't know anything about ferts
except what you read in the papers or heard from your state or local
"Ferrets?  Gee - I dunno!  They MUST be dangerous.  After all, why else
would California, Hawaii, and New York City outlaw them?"  Misinformation
can be much more dangerous then no information !!
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Critter Crew
~Furrice~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Socks~Cuddles~Java~Rascal~Miss Priss~
Cinna~Racer~Muttley~[insert name here]
Guest STAR - ~Fur-Angel Lady~
Cast Appearance by - Min-Pins Geordi , Jaida, and SPICE
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and fellow
ferts ~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, and ~Bandit~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee Brat
Pack !!
[Posted in FML issue 2806]