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Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 22:19:22 -0400
text/plain (44 lines)
Hello, people.
Rusti went to the vet today to get the stitches out from her adrenal
surgery.  Up until today, I felt that she was not going to recover
properly, if at all.  She was listless and sleepy all the time.  I never
saw her eat (though I admit that I sleep upstairs and work outside the
house, so it's possible that she ate and I just didn't see it...after all,
she resides with three other ferrets in her cage!), but saw her drink
I was giving her amoxicillin drops and decided to add some FerretVite, as
well.  I threw in some drops of Ferretone from time to time, and included
a few Bandits snacks to the mix.
Up until last night, I was not at all sure that she was going to live
through this.  Today, she showed me that she should have played the lead in
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette.  She was bouncing around in her carrier,
playing with her toys, tunneling under the shirt that I put in there,
bopping the water bottle just because she felt like it.
When we got to the vet's, she laid on her back and started her "bicycle"
routine, which is specifically designed to get remarks of how cute she
looks (it worked...even another dog that was there came over to watch!).
When we got in to see the vet, she was romping around all over the table.
When the stitches started coming out, she wiggled and squirmed worse than
any 4-year-old child!  She also got her ears checked and a second dose of
Advantage was purchased to treat everyone, just in case the fleas try to
sneak back in the house!
Synopsis?  Rusti looks like she's going to make it just fine!!!!! :)
P.S. Puffy was also taken to the vet today to get his rabies shots.  He was
rather surprised that he only got one shot (to which he had no reaction at
all) and that no one poked his eyes out, or cut off his tail, or made him
walk on hot coals.  He might be revising his opinion of the vet's...then
again, maybe not! :)
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns.
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[Posted in FML issue 2790]