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Lisette Lumsden <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 09:53:36 EDT
text/plain (51 lines)
The limp dish rag of fur that had to be syringe fed small amounts of Bob
Church chicken soup every two hours by myself and a neighbor has come of
She is learning how to scruff, and it is just sure to bring a laugh to
the lips just to observe her attempts to be a big girl.
She leaps on the backs of her much bigger "brothers" and tries to scruff
them with her mosquito teeth.  The big lugs don't know what to do.  They
know she is a baby somehow.  So they try to roll over and hold her
between their paws to get away from the baby scruffer.  They try and and
ignore her.  They try and move while she rides their back..wildy wiggling
her head back and forth...probably thinking she is a force to be reckoned
with. :-)
Daisy gently scruffs the little fire brand, then looks confused as to
what to do next..  Then they run through the tube with the baby in
persuit, and the riot of having a baby in the house begins.
It is a mad house, bedlam, and an utter mess here.  The older sedate
ferrets are wild again.  Mommy has a new toy for us to play with!
I picked her up this morning for my pleasurable morning minute of
holdiing her teensy but growing body curled up in my hand...just curled
up there looking at me with those dark purple trusting eyes.  I kiss her
good morning, and once again will enjoy that tranquil but rushing joy of
just staring at the baby fur of such unusual pattern and pretty color.  I
will feast my eyes on the big silly/cute head on the totally relaxed baby
body.  She is like a fawn.  I will stare into those limpid pools of deep
purple that seem to say that she has come to totally trust me.
She squirmed like a monkey, practically flew out of my hands, and
scruffed my fingers...opening her mouth and gently play biting my
When I held her up laughing to tell her how silly she was... my weak and
helpless baby of just a week ago?
the placid mellow baby scruffed my chin!  I am watching a baby ferret
learn to scruff!!
As you may recall, Mini-Me is visibly upset around these baby females.  I
would never have taken them if had not been urgent.  The opossum/ferret
was close to death.
SO...Wish us luck.Though I would miss them very much, I am hoping we may
have found a good home for the kissy, cuddly hopping Red Headed ferret
baby and the wee one that is right now tearing around the room, through
tubes, wrapping paper, and a crinkly paper bag.  .
[Posted in FML issue 4658]