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Fri, 28 Apr 2000 03:35:05 +0200
text/plain (32 lines)
First of all I would like to thank everyone for all the positive response
I got on my site.  I never though that there would be so many people out
there offering to help me improve my site! :))))  I got overwhelmed with
tips and advise and I'm working on an update already!  Yes yes, lots of
picture will be included this time (keep sending them please).
Next I would like to reply to a few messages that were forwarded to me
regarding my site.  I would openly like to apologize to Celia for putting
a direct link to her webcam.  I personally didn't think it was a problem
since her address was on top of the image but nevertheless I should have
asked her first.  Of course I took her direct link off immediately on her
request!  I'm a personal fan of her webcam and the reason why I put it on
my site was only because I believed she deserved every vote for her webcam
that she can get.  It's without any doubt the best cam I've ever seen and
I hope she'll keep it up and running forever.  For those who didn't see
her cam or didn't vote yet (shame on you! lol) go to
Of all the response that I got, two people complained that I spammed them.
Everyone always told me that spamming was the same as receiving "junk"
mail.  Since I only sent my link to people that have an interest in ferrets
I didn't believe I was spamming anybody.  I didn't want to cause any harm,
I just wanted to know whether I was on the right track or not with my site.
We live in a world where you can't make everyone happy but I believe that
to many bad things happen every day to get frustrated about something like
Keep smiling!
Joe Fox
[Posted in FML issue 3035]