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Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Jun 2008 23:37:28 -0400
text/plain (84 lines)
It was a lovely day at de bridge and SaraFerret was cleaning her
cottage with de help of her kits when she heard a knock at de door.
Now who could dat be, she wondered? After all, she was semi-retired
and she hadn't received any notice dat she would be needed anywhere.
When she opened de door in flew Dexter, de little boy courier.

SawaFewwet, Here's a note from de Boss for you and you best huwwy ups
and reads it wights away. You will gets in twouble if you don't. (Good
old Dexter hasn't changed a bit, bless his heart).

Okay Dexter, I replies, just don't hang on my shoulders while I am
trying to read de note. As I went thru it, I realized de following: I
was no longer semi-retired; I was back to being a greeter once again;
and I must go find these two fuzzies whereabouts and see how dey were
doing. I left Dexter to play with de kits. I went up de path to de Big
Cottage in De Sky and found de Boss's Big Book of Ferrets. In dat Book
was marked de exact date and location of each fuzzy dat had crossed de

I double-checked de names on de note with de Book and found dat de
place was close by. So I wandered down de path with de big yellow roses
past de white daises and dere I found de cottage "Staci's Place". But
on de door was a note: We went to the Lily Lake to play.Come and join
us." Well dis was a distance away. So I decided to fly dis time. Dat's
why de Boss gave us dese wings. At first I didn't see anyone, but den I
spotted a cat. A Cat? Oh Yeah! Now I remember, dey had a bonded cat
friend. Under special circumstances another animal lives with us
fuzzies. Usually dey were very close to dem on earth.

But what is dis? De Lily Lake is purple, not its usual color, and de
fuzzies are a lavender shade and dey are all dancing around throwing a
squeaky toy into de air. Hmmmm. I called to dem, Has anyone seen dese
two fuzzies, Kassia and Billy? First one and den another dooked right
up and says, We're right here.

But why are you lavender-shade and why is de Lily Lake purple?, I
asked. Oh all of them started laughing and giggling and even the cat
got tickled over that one. Then Billy said, Well, when I was getting
ready to cross, I saw dis package of purple stuff dat Mommy had so I
just stuffed it in my secret backpack along with my squeaky mousey
and took it along. Do you still have dat package? I asked. Oh sure,
he replied, and handed it to me. Sweetened Grape Kool-Aid. Well dat
explains the purple. I explained to all of dem dat I had a note from
dere Mommy Staci and she wanted to know how dey were doing. Kassia
spoke up, Hey we has been having de best time, we have all dese friends
here; Choe, Griffin, Osiris, and even Cassidy. Well maybe you should
all clean up a bit and we can go over to de Misting Pond and wave at
your Mommy. Well, they got clean in nothing flat. Kassia put on her hot
pink wings and Billy put on his bright blue wings with black streaks
and my didn't dey look cute.

So off we all went toward de Misting Pond. Once dere we sat down beside
de cool clear water and with swish dey saw de vision of Mommy Staci
appear. Dey both started waving and dooking with all of dere might.
Thank you for loving us; thank you for taking care of us. We love you
so much. We are having so much fun here. We feel so good and have lots
of friends and and everything is great here. Den dey started throwing
hugs, kisses, and promises and wrapped dem with dere love and laid dem
on a nearby shooting star which was headed toward your house. And if
by chance one nite you should feel a furry whisker or a whisper of a
ferrety kiss on your cheek you will know that on of dem came to visit
you in your dreams. And with another swish de vision was gone.

Den we all flew off towards Staci's Place for a bite to eat. I was
invited to stay for a while. Music was playing and even a few neighbors
dropped by. But finally I said my good-byes and headed toward my

It was nice to be back to greeting and checking up on fuzzies once

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Moderator's note: SaraFerret, now out of retirement, is one of the
FML's 3 "official" bridge greeters, if they need "officialness" :-).
You'll "meet" the others as time goes on. There are about a dozen
others who have expressed a strong interest in greeting, so we can
add more greeters if and when they are needed. The FML is full of
fantiastic people, isn't it/aren't we? BIG]

[Posted in FML 6016]