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Denise Davis <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 11:12:19 CDT
text/plain (17 lines)
I would like to thank everyone who has wrote me on the passing of my
sweet precious Smudge.  The cards, poems, and kind words have meant so
much to me.
It is not easy losing a little one, but having those who care to share it
with means so much.  This has been a hard last year I have losted so much
but have gained so much also.  I have truly been blessed my all God's great
things.  And to have been able to meet some many wonderful people and
fuzzies here has been so great.  It has filled my life with happiness
knowing others out there cared and loved their fuzzies also.  Especially
the shelters that give each fuzzie a second chance to find a loving home.
Remember give their precious Fuzzie a Hug today!!!!!
A Ferret Mama
Denise Peddington Davis& The Furface Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3033]