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Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:30:58 -0500
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I told you. I told you this storm was going to be different. But before
I say why and what incredible debris it left behind ... the surprise. I
need to correct something. I said we were caring for 10 rescues. And
you must be all like "and?!" It was 15, plus, Renee's crew, plus mine.
20+ ferrets ... ten with very special needs.

The surprise that Renee left behind? A DMK rescue of my own.

I have a new baby in my life. My own personal ferret. The first since
Serendipity left us. I was waiting to announce the arrival of my baby
ferret from the Doug McKay Ohio Rescue so I'd have photos, movies and
most importantly a name. The photos and movies came, but not the name.
Just ideas for names. So as you look at this wee one, please let me
know if anything comes to mind. She was born this past St Paddies day.
And here is her story:

Baby Stout was born on the Doug McKay farm in a small rusted, rotting
cage surrounded by trash in a dump like atmosphere, with two foot of
feces under her, and vulnerable to feral cats, loose mink, and wild
animals that could reach into the cage. Imagine being in an open cage,
all six sides wide open to the extreme seasonal weather that Ohio has.
Temperatures can dive into subzero temps in the winter and rise up to
nearly 100 during a good heat wave in that state. Imagine your food
spoiling rather quickly in the summer and freezing up in the winter.
Imagine the thirst and seeing your water frozen. Imagine being in a
cage and seeing grass that you will never touch. This is what my baby
lived through with hundreds of other ferrets.

Here is the movie that shows you the photos that brought this farm into
public view and outed the conditions there.

This little girl came in with about 15 of the hundreds of ferrets that 
were rescued. They were on their way down the east coast to various
homes. I was a sort of way station for them. During that stay, I was
taken back by how pretty this little girl was and loved her little
turned up nose. My husband was determined to help by adopting a ferret
and he liked three of them. I said no. Then he asked for just her. I
said no. But as I was helping Renee Downs over the course of the two
day stay, I kept seeing this flash of green from one of the many cages.
I'd jump and kept thinking I saw a wild animal in the room. And each
time, I'd see it was just a little ferret ... the same ferret. It
fooled me every time I went in the room. I'd see a flash that would
catch my eye while working with the animals or doting on one of them.
I'd look at the green glow which disappeared every time I turned my
head to see what it was. I began going to that cage more and more to
play with those ferrets because of it, and began to really love the
little one who kept calling to me. I read the tag. She was born this
past St Paddies day. She was a girl. I wanted my next ferret to be a
girl. Tika (my cockatoo) and I are the only girls here in this house.
She was private bred. I've always dreamed of a privately bred ferret. I
wanted a late alter someday. She was just now spayed. She was a rescue,
so it'd be a good thing to do. She was very young, so I'd have many
good years with her. And what was crazy was that even the nicest
rescues were so terrified they bit me at least a few times each. But
she never did. EVER. No matter what I did, she was not scared of me.
And here she was on my front doorstep. This was all too much of a
coincidence, and so I realized it was just meant to be. I decided to
adopt her. And I just cried when I looked at the DMK movie again of the
ferrets trapped in such bad conditions, even though I had already seen
it before. It took on a whole new meaning now that I have this little
girl as well as having met the little ones from that movie. I couldn't
keep my eyes off them while they played with toys they've never had and
slept in blankets they never felt. My little girl is gorgeous. She is
a stocky little thing. Imagine the biggest bull dog hob you can, and
take a laser gun and shrink him. That's her. She hasn't shown her
personality much yet, other than she doesn't want to be put down and
loves to be doted on right now.

Chet said she needs a pretty name like Jackuisha. Lol. "She has the
boom mom!" (no, like literally, you'll see in one of her movies). Here
are a few names I'm thinking of (I prefer for them to sound Irish, or
mean green or something):

Shelaylay, layla
Emerald May, Emmie May
Paddie, Paddie Cakes
lassie, lissie
Julia, juju
And a special one up my sleeve ... Shennanigans

Help me out. Take a look at her here. Please put it on slide show so
the pictures are big and so you can read the story. Guest stars are
Leeka Weasel and Renee downs:
<http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8Ectmbdo1cPHg&emid=sharshar&linkid=link4 >

And watch my baby in a movie here. Baby Stout. Turn up your sound and
listen to me at the end of the movie.

[Bonus clips:
Meeting the family and playing
All she wants is love. This is mostly what she does:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRms_SHZBmw ]

We had the happiest of Thanksgivings yesterday. We both fell asleep
together during the afternoon. I hadn't done that with a ferret in
many years. Told ya she was cudly.

[Posted in FML 5800]