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Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 May 2005 19:43:53 -0700
text/plain (56 lines)
Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge has Muldoone in his designated spot.
A new arrival was coming and maybe if they brought along any treats,
maybe he could get one or two.
The music in the wind had begun to change and the sad sweet melody could
be heard dancing softly on the breeze.  This song played for each and
every arrival, whispering to their hearts; "wee-one you are home."
Muldoone felt the familiar tingling in his whiskers and he knew another
was coming.  The music of the wind danced around him, singing of welcome
and loss, of love and longing.  It sang of the promise that love was
eternal, and it sang of the pain of separation and the sorrow of humans;
it was the Ferret Promise Song.
The flash of light subsided and then Mully heard the unmistakable sounds
of ferrety feets coming across the planks of the Bridge; the MoonBeam
Express having delivered another ferret whose time on earth had been cut
Mully steps forward to greet the new arrival.  "Welcomes to da Wainbow
Bwidge Syndey, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist Bwidge Gweeter."  Muldoone
leans forward offering his nose to the new comer.
Sydney ferret sits down and with eyes big and round and he looks around
surveying his new surroundings.  "So dis be da Wainbow Bwidge he says,
I hab hears a wot 'bout it but neber knew it be so purddy.  Mr.
Muldoone, I be berry sick afore I comes here but I feels gweat now and
to prove his point Sydney leaps high in the air and goes into a silly
weasely-war-dance.  Does ebery fewet feel dis gud when dey gets here?
he wants to know.
Yup Mully tells Sydney, when you gets here, ebery fewet be healfy,
it like we gets obberhauls, da Boss fixes eberyting dat be wong on us,
you not sick, you not hurts, you can sees, you can hears, eberyting be
working when you gets here.
Mr. Muldoone, I be missing my mom a wot, dere bees a way I cans checks
on her?" Syndey asks.
Sur you can kid, we habs da refwecting pond here and you can goes dere
and sees your mom or you can goes to da far sideds of da wainbow and
peeks in on your mom and I shows you how to sends her a message
explained Mully.  Dat would be gweat Mr. Muldoone."
Lingering at the Reflection Pond, Sydney took a long time looking in on
his mom and the other fuzzies.
"Mom I habs sumptin to says and I needs for you to hears it.  It be my
time to go, I be sick all da times but I bees sick no more, Mr. Muldoone
tells me dat we all be healfy whens we get here.  Pwease don't cwy mom,
I woves you and I be waiting.  And mom, Hubert, Kodi, and Mindy Lou say
dey woves you and misses you bunches."
Caring for your ferrets at Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 4867]