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Fri, 13 Sep 2002 07:16:35 -0700
text/plain (20 lines)
This is an update on my Parris.  Last April her blood work presented
a high Lymphocyte count, as well as her white cells and calcium level
*off*.  Can't remember, just trust my vets to know what the numbers mean.
A follow up test was done the end of May, same results.  The first week
in April I took Parris to a Holistic veterinarian that practices
acupuncture.  He also prescribed an herbal combination for liver support.
This week (almost 6 months) we had blood work done again.  Everything is
completely NORMAL.  Now folks, I am NOT saying the acupuncture/herbs
cured lymphoma.  The possibility is that she had a virus or something to
cause the first 2 results.  As she showed NO signs of illness, fever, not
eating, etc.  our vet felt it a strong suggestion of possible Lymphoma.
The only reason I had the original test done is I thought it a good idea
as she is 4, and we were drawing blood for ADV testing anyway.  And the
answer is???  We just do not know for sure.  I will continue with
acupuncture/herbal treatment, just in case.
In Touch, Ardith
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[Posted in FML issue 3905]