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"Irena Arthur (COS|schwanke)" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 May 1997 13:00:31 EDT
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi Everyone,
Long time no post!  It's become impossible for me to respond to all the
posts I see on the fml but I still read my back issues whenever I get a free
To Jill regarding the Kay-tee ferret food.  My ferrets love it.  I tried for
ages to get them to eat Totally Ferret but was not successful so we bought
the Kay-tee with raisin juice for sometime.  However, I was determined the
get the kids to eat Totally Ferret so we started to mix the two and that is
what they have been eating for the past few months.  It was kind of a
compromise but everyone seems to be happy.  They are eating what they want
AND what I want!  As for their coats, they are all soft but my black sables
are shinier and heavier than my chocolate sables.  Lucy and Chelsea now
weigh 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 Lbs, respectively, as of their last vet visit April
26th.  Tabitha and Chaz went at the same time and skinny and skinnier
weighed in at 2 1/2 and 3 Lbs.  Oh, and Rupert is a great name!  I have a 3
year old long haired orange tiger cat named Rupert.  No other name would
have fit him as well.  He has his own cheer in our house.  Whenever we want
to rev him up we chant "Rup there he is, Rup there he is" and when he is
outside and we can't find him we say "Rup, where you is?".  He thinks we're
fruit cakes but we are fruit cakes with Friskies!
My heart goes out to all of the parents who have lost little ones and those
struggling with illness but I am glad to see that it seems, at least for the
moment, that there are fewer kids getting sick.  Maybe it's just wishful
Thank you to all who responded to my post about Chelsea.  I tried to write
everyone back personally but the responses were so numberous that I finally
gave up!  We still have the little wench and she seems to be going through
another calm phase.  We are hoping that she is maturing out of her biting
but we are not getting our hopes too high this time.  Still she hasn't
bitten ANYONE in weeks.  She even stopped pulling Chaz's hair out and it is
now growing back!
Lucy has not gained any more weight but she has for the moment leveled out
at 1 1/4 Lb..  Her vets keep telling me that although she is very petite
that she does have fatty tissue and seems perfectly healthy to them.  Maybe
I am just over reacting.  Can't blame me though.  I'm a mom and I was raised
that a little chubby is better than skinny (especially when you weigh little
over a pound!).
God bless and love to all,
Irena, Lucy, Chelsea, Tabitha, Chaz, Emily, Dexter, Rupert, Willow, Link,
Blueberry, Lily, Salt and Pepper.
[Posted in FML issue 1921]