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Tue, 11 Nov 2003 16:54:06 -0800
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi, all.
I met a little guy at the Bridge a while ago, his name is Grandfather
Chico Bandito.  His old friends Rowdy and Harley were there to greet him,
too, and to welcome him.
Chico was still a little dazed from his long illness,(ADV is tough) but
he absolutely refused any time in a Recovery Hammie, not in front of his
buddies, no way!  We just sat with him quietly for a while and snuggled
with him in a sunbeam in the fresh grass until he felt ready to go out
and explore.
The four of us went to the first place Chico wanted to see, the Baglands.
It's always a little windy in the Baglands, so all the tens of thousands
of plastic bags rustle in the breeze.  You can actually hear them
crinkling and spinning in the distance before you get there.  We spent
hours dooking and popping and dancing in the bags!
I did have a conversation with Chico about his life after we had settled
down.  He said that despite the ADV, (he will *never* have to cough
again, now!) he had a life that he thinks any ferret would be greatful
for.  He had lots of friends, and lots of love.  He hopes that someday, a
long time away from now, he will see his Mommy Mary again, and they can
play some serious bag-drag in the Baglands!
I got a request to bring a business across to one of the many places the
Bridge can lead to, (the Bridge is a lot more complicated than you might
think)the Cat Afterworld.  I understand that there is a new arrival
there, a little guy named Shyster who was good buddies with his Mommy
Marla's business of Bandit, Natalie, and Scamper.
I kind of try to avoid the cat Afterworld.  Some of them...well they kind
of look at you in a hungrrrry way.  You know?  Anyway, we four strapped
on our wings and made the trip together.  Shyster was right where he was
supposed to be waiting for us.  He's actually made quite a few new
friends over there already, but he was happy to see his old business
again.  He says he is doing just fine, but he misses his Mommy's special
ear rubs, she knows the ones.  The ones that made him lean over farther
and farther against her hand until he just about fell over onto the
floor?  Those ones.
Well, I've got to fly!
[Posted in FML issue 4329]