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Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:23:04 -0500
sukie crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
>But when vets, and others, publish articles for consumption by the
>general ferret owning public endorsing the routine introduction of
>Frontline drops into the ear canal, in spite of its undenied potential
>for ototoxic effects when used in that way, I believe that raises
>issues of professional misconduct that need to be addressed by the Royal
>College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Provide medical references tot the FML, please, and, please, have those
include veterinary ones, especially ferret ones.  I've heard a lot of
assertions made here but have seen no proof, so would like to read
something substantial.
Remember that ear mites themselves can set the stage for worse infection,
usually fungal.  There was even many years ago (pre-Frontline) an FML
member whose ferret got such a bad secondary infection while at a long
term pet sitter's that it ate through the auditory bolus and causes a
brain infection which drove the ferret to severe aggression.  That was
back in the test-for-rabies days and this was what they found instead.
Terrible, huh?
In relation to your question on places outlawing ferrets I seem to recall
that South Africa put in a sweeping ban on non-native animals but I could
be wrong so check me on that.
Actually, if memory serves wild polecats are native to Portugal... I do
recall reading some studies of them in Spain.
Unless things have changed some U.S.  colonies and Protectorates ban
ferrets.  (We had some usual postage and phone bills when I was following
up on how areas and groups were dealing with the improvements to the
Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control in 1998.)
It is important to find out WHY the ban was begun.  For instance, is it
possible that they are worried about contagious illnesses from domestic
ferrets perhaps being accidently introduced into a wild population?
>As one reviewer of the movie put it:
>>"...it's Rodolfo who truly carries the film, blindly slamming into
>>walls and garbage cans just when the romantic comedy doldrums threaten
>>to turn Along Came Polly into a by-the-numbers bore."
>Shame on Stiller for trying to steal a show he obviously couldn't carry
>himself by slandering his co-star.
LOL!  Ben Stiller play one character over and over and it is very easy
to get tired of that one character.  I wonder if he realizes that he is
boring people and is taking out all his resulting anger (which would be
better used as energy put into acting classes) on the ferret.
>Then I saw on the Premiere magazine online, where Jennifer Aniston said
>she, quote, _HATED_ the ferret.  The ferret didn't even bite her, and
>she also said, "At the end of the day, it's just a big rat."
Well, I guess that is a second actor who won't be earning money from us.
Too bad.  Unlike her human co-star she has talent.  But, heck, I wouldn't
right now follow the example of folks who are out of work but use Walmart
anyway (which is directly responsible for a huge number of jobs lost to
off-shoring) instead of buying American during a time when we need to be
supporting American jobs whenever possible (not always possible) due to
an average of 70,000 jobs in the U.S.  lost per month in the last few
years (not counting those who stopped looking) so why would I put my
money into anything which supports these two actors?  Why spend hard
earned money in way which benefit those who harm us?
Mo Lab: sounds like there's likely trouble teething.  My sister was like
that; any mammal can be, and like kits, puppies and kittens with dental
woes she needed dental help.  Get a vet check including of teeth.  At one
point we took in a battered kit who had a retained baby canine that had
caused an abscess, so of course she bit.  Once that was out she never bit
anyone else in her 8 year lifetime.  If no serious trouble is found get
SAFE things to help with teething pain like Foamy Fries, Cheweasels, or
Marshall Chews.  No rawhide of dog chewy things that have killed ferrets
with blockages.
[Posted in FML issue 4394]