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Connie Martin <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 18:01:57 EDT
text/plain (22 lines)
Got a call from Stamford AC telling me two little girls were left in a
milk crate at the door.  Thank God the person didn't dump them near the
dogs!  One of the girls got out of the crate and had to be captured.
Naturally I had to go meet them and bring some presents.  One is a sable
and very friendly.  She walks up to the cage door and wants to play.  The
escapee is a silver mitt (or a wannabe) with a very light gray coat.  She
was a little scared but snuggled in my arms when I held her.  They play
and wrestle with each other all the time and have made quite a positive
impression on the officers.
If you have room in your hearts and home for these little girls please
e-mail me and I will help get them to you!  They are quite adorable but I
think Maggie feels the estrogen level in the house is about right as is.
Connie, Butch, Maggie, and CB
"I am sometimes asked, "Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?
I answer, "I am working at the roots."
George T. Angell
[Posted in FML issue 3881]