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Patricia Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Jul 1996 02:03:00 -0400
text/plain (28 lines)
Mo Bob, keep up your irreverant journeys and postings.  You brighten the
list!  I was at the Olympics (timekeeper, so I could get the best view),
but, of course, did not recognize you.  We are all so strange, you must have
just blended in in my mind.
I did not take my "kids" as I feared it would get too hot (overprotective)
and then wished I had when I saw how well Melanie and the others had set
things up.  The only things that melted were the humans later in the
afternoon.  The ferret gods were with us, blessing us with overcast much of
the day.  I don't know which is more fun to watch, the ferrets or the
ferret's "pets".  A great bunch all around.  Most ferrets I have ever seen
in one place and really well behaved.  I, too, was much impressed with the
ferret tricks, they were all great, from the balloon athlete to the toy
retriever.  Ferrets did roll-overs, stand up and then roll over and
imitations of dead ferrets (often in the middle of an event) 8-)).  Of
course, my camera went on dead strike and I got not one picture.  Still, I
had people mention seeing the ferret getting a gold medal on TV next day.  I
let everyone know I have ferrets and how neat they are and even have their
pictures on my office wall.  I have brought them to the office also.  They
are great ambassadors.  Some of our best education is subliminal.  Catch
more that way than by pounding them over the head with the facts.  Special
thanks to LAFL, Melanie, Bill, Amy and Jeph who are the heart of LAFL.  By
the way, you haven't lived until you have measured ferret tails.  But that
is another tale.
Pat, who is mightly lucky to live in such a ferrety area.
[Posted in FML issue 1635]