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Lise O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 27 Nov 1999 10:29:55 -0800
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello all!  I hope you and your babies enjoyed your Thanksgiving feasts
(for those in the US).
I have a little story to tell about one of my boy's, Dante.  But first,
let me give you a little visual.
I live in a one bedroom apt.  The "kids" have the bedroom while mom sleeps
on a futon mattress in the living room.  (Well, sometimes, I do sleep in
my bed in the bedroom) The "big room" (i.e., living room) is totally off
In the bedroom I have my bed (usually not made per ferrets request), a two
story cage with two hammocks and a sleep sack, a small carrier with a sleep
sack, a plastic tub with old towels, and one of those one story cat things
with an opening where I have placed a ferret bed.  The kids have a real
great set up.
Anyway, I went into the room to play with the kiddies.  I left the door
open so as I could listen for the phone, etc., but I sat by the door so
the kids could not get out into "the big room".  My Dante was bound and
determined to get into that room.  He tried various ways of getting past me
and into the next room.  After about fifteen minutes of trying he got this
bright idea.  He went to the carrier where Meisha was sleeping.  He knows I
let Meisha into the "big room" (she doesn't crawl under the stove...she
doesn't get into trouble).  so he goes over to the carrier (which opens by
a door on the top of the carrier) and the next thing I know a bleery eyed
Meisha comes crawling out.  Though, I don't speak ferret (or rather, ferret
telepathy), I still had a clue that he was trying to enlist her help.
Meisha came over to me.  I pet her and she walked away.  Dante axiously
walked over to her and began nudging her back my way.  She did not want to
have any part of his plan and eventually, after many of Dante's nudgings,
crawled back into the carrier and into the sleep sack.  Dante was so upset.
He stood peering into the carrier, but Meisha wouldn't come out.  Of
course, by then I was laughing hysterically.  Dante wasn't too happy.  He
tried a couple more times to get out before giving up and climbing into
the big cage to sulk in one of the hammocks.
This was the most amazing thing I have seen in ferret behavior yet.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
Lise and the seven fun loving criminals
[Posted in FML issue 2879]