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Karen Bailey <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Nov 2010 01:02:01 -0800
text/plain (28 lines)
So I have 2 little ferret girls (Kat & Audrey) that will be 1 on
Saturday. They're adorable and still have their baby-chubbs and I love
them to death. I just have one problem: Kat is an absolute BRAT! She
spends all of her time outside the cage trying to terrorize the other
ferrets and then screaming and messing all over the floor when they
fight back, followed by attacking them again.

We scruff her, hiss at her, and put her in the "bad ferret" pen for a
few minutes but she is not getting the point. If we keep her and Audrey
separated from the rest of the gang they'll play fine but considering
the other 5 ferrets have all found a way to get along I'm really
determined to get this little monster girl calmed down as well. I've
had them since April and they've been this way from the beginning, no
matter what I do.

Does anyone have ANY tips?! I have a big monster boy named Mitch who
terrorizes new ferrets and can be super rough and I've finally learned
how to handle him. It's this little, chubby, bratty, adorable girl
who's driving me nuts! She's absolutely relentless and stubborn as a
mule. It's a dang good thing she's such a cutie!

Seriously, ANY tips?!?!

-Karen and the crazy fuzzbutts

[Posted in FML 6887]