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Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Oct 1996 10:59:49 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
Someone just asked about pilling a ferret: crush the tablet up into a
powder, mix it in with a good-sized dab of Petromalt (or other fairly solid
goo) and your ferret should lick it up contentedly.  If she won't, scoop a
glob of the Petromalt up on your finger and 'stand' the ferret on your leg -
one hand supporting the ferret under its front legs.  use your thumb and
forefinger of the supporting hand to massage the ferret right at the corners
of its mouth.  it should yawn, and when it does, you can wedge thumb and
forefinger into the corners of its mouth long enough to scrape the Petromalt
goo off your other finger onto the roof of the ferret's mouth.  The ferret's
molars work as a wonderful edge with which to scrape the goo off your
finger.  :)
This has worked for me for years - the ferret will then perform what i call
the 'peanut-butter stuck to the roof of the mouth' maneuver and scrunch its
face up and try to spit out the goo - which it cant, for some unknown
reason based on mouth and tongue architecture.  at least, mine have never
been able to.
Results: incensed (medicated) ferret going *smack* *smack* *smack*, smug
I tried just pilling Noodle today - dropping the pill in and massaging the
throat.  Nope, no luck.  Fortunately, he takes crushed pill in Petromalt.
Along that tangent, someone mentioned the toy made from pill bottles.  If
you can get a child-proof aspirin bottle and put in some marbles or gravel,
it makes a great rattly toy that they can knock and carry around.
Mine also like the easter eggs - we have dozens lying around our house.
They stick their noses into the halves and gallop around, pushing them
across the carpet.  I also occasionally put these into a big pot of water -
they become an entirely new, treasured toy.  Friday will dunk it to get
water into it, and then delicately pick it up so she can spill the water on
the carpet.  Noodle simply grabs it from the bowl and bolts to the nearest
hiding spot.  :)
I took a denim pants leg today and when Friday stood on her hind legs for a
treat, dropped it over her head tube-fashion (so she was inside the leg).
She went bonkers and begged until i did it five or six more times.  Weirdo.
      Melissa Litwicki                              "Is it ... atomic?"
      [log in to unmask]                             "Yes! VERY atomic!"
[Posted in FML issue 1729]