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Tue, 21 Sep 2004 14:50:14 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
Help.....ok all - I am home now.  I took my little ferts and hit the road
back to New Mexico - on Sunday.  My assignment in Kansas is over and I am
now home!!!  Yippie!!  Except......ahem....we are havin some issues here
and I need advice......
Ricky and Lucy were with me in Kansas - leaving Artemus and Morganna
(the ferret goddess of "I will eat you") here.  Upon re-entering the New
Mexico boundaries however, Morganna is ATTACKING Ricky and Lucy.  I am
not talking love bites either kids.  She is hurting them - and I can't
stop her.  I have tried time outs - I have tried "re-introducing" them
slowly - but it is not working.  She wants them to die.  Now.  I
understand she is "establishing" her dominance, however, before we left,
they all loved each other and she bit noone.  Now she did this a little
bit last time we left and were gone for a while - but it was never to the
extent that it is now.  She is drawing blood and she is hurting them.
When they try to get away - she gives chase and continues to hurt them.
My husband is not as understanding as I am and is insisting that if she
doesn't stop- that we have to get rid of her.  I have never seen her do
anything like this before.  It is as if she HATES them now.
I do understand that she became the "alpha" ferret when they were gone.
I do understand her even letting them know that.  I DON'T understand the
viciousness of her attacks.  Can any of you please give me some advice?
I would appreciate it~!  I would be heartbroken if my husband makes me
get rid of her due to this - but he is very "attached" to the other ferts
and seeing the viciousness of her attacks is getting to him.  Just so
you all know - I don't advocate her "leaving" and will throw the husband
out before I will throw her out.....*winks* - I just need help to
"re-introduce" them to each other.....so that they all can live together
again.......uhm, preferably alive too.....
Thanks all!
Kim and Her Army of Idiots - plus one very pissed off female ferret.....
[Posted in FML issue 4643]