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Thu, 5 Oct 1995 03:18:51 EDT
CYBER SCORPION <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
To Manuel Sulkin Cung:
    Greetings and welcome to the FML.  I very much enjoyed your postings
about your three fuzzies.  They sound adorable and you seem like a very
good parent.  I am happy that you are able to be on the list to share your
stories with us.  The new cage will be a good investment, and it will keep
them safer while you are at work.  From your description, the cage you have
sounds exactly like the one I have.  It's made by Safeguard and is called
the Ferret Condo.  My four "kids" stay in two seperate cages while I'm at
work because they still haven't quite learned to be nice to each other,
although they are getting better.
To Anyone :
    Emma just had her annual shots.  One vaccine was given in the neck
area.  Afterwards, a lump appeared.  After two days, her neck area had
swollen to almost twice its normal size.  My ex has her and has been giving
her Benadryl.  Emma seems to be OK otherwise and is acting normal.  I
haven't gotten an up to date report on her condition yet.  Has anyone else
had this experience?  Could the needle have done some tissue damage that
caused the swelling, as this does not sound like the classic reactions to
the vaccine?  Thanks.
Fred R.
Mickey, Niki, Merlin, and Crystal.
[Posted in FML issue 1336]