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Susan Malone <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 14:09:23 +0000
text/plain (56 lines)
>What are the reasons shelters do not adopt to people and how do they come
>up with this?  I've heard some weird reasons people get turned down and I
>myself just don't understand it.
At this risk of sounding rude, I should think it is pretty obvious.  Ferret
who are in rescues have been exposed to one or more of the following
circumstances: Abuse, Neglect, Lack of Medical Care, Poor, little or no
care, Abandoned, Stuck in a cage and forgotten, Owners who didn't bother to
learn about caring for them, Given incorrect and often harmful care, Bought
on a whim, and then tossed aside like garbage.  Well, this list could go on
and on, but you get the point.
We are determined not to ever risk placing an animal back in a situation
where these things might happen all over again.  It is not up to us to
*make a sale*, it is up to the applicants to prove they are an acceptable
home.  I have turned down applicatants even if there was no *valid* reason
in black and white, but I followed my gut instinct.  I admit, there may be
times I denied an adoption that maybe would have been okay, but I would
rather risk that mistake than the mistake of placing a ferret in a home
where they would not be cared for a thousand times over.
You say you have heard some *weird reasons* for denials... I have to wonder
whose side of the story you heard?  I know of people I have denied that
told others I turned them down for stupid reasons like "I don't feed the
same brand of food they do"... when in fact, the real reason they were
turned down was because they had 3 ferrets in 2 years die of treatable
problems they did not bother to seek treatment for.  Another person cried
to people I turned them down "Because of religous differences", when in
fact they were denied because they lied to me about their ferrets being ECE
Infected and the ferret they wanted was a victim of malnurishment and abuse
who had a weak immune system and could never have survived ECE.
Quite honestly, I have the same criteria for my own personal bred kits as
I do for rescues.  I also do not allow ANY ferret to leave unless I am
convinced the person is well armed with the proper information and supplies
to care for it.
And if all else fails, bear in mind one thing... the bottom line is, these
animals are OUR responsibility, WE put the time, money, love and care into
them, many times WE sat up all night caring for them and saved their
lives.... and we can reserve the right to turn down an adoption for any
reason we want.
We are under no obligation to provide an animal to whoever wants one, we
are not pet stores.  We can use the same policy as any business "We reserve
the right to refuse service for any reason".  The ferrets are in our care,
legally belong to us and we have the right to choose who we allow to adopt
them.  Our obligation and promise to those ferrets is to provide the right
ferret with the perfect home for them, and we will use whatever judgement
it takes to accomplish that.
Susan Malone
Fanciful Ferrets By Pegasus
Ferrets Unlimited Rescue Of Tulsa
[Posted in FML issue 2852]