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Shelley Knudsen <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 17:51:06 -0500
text/plain (48 lines)
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my e-mail
about aplastic anemia.  Second, I am currently a veterinary student hoping
to specialize in ferrets as a veterinarian.  Some of you may remember me, I
previously ran the Legion of Superferrets of Nebraska Ferret Shelter for
3 1/2 years.  I would like to learn as much about the different ferret
diseases and problems as possible, and what works for treatments (medical
or holistic), especially things that may not necessarily be in textbooks.
So what I am asking is this.  If you have any kind of ferret medical
problem, especially one that is not a common disease, that you end up
posting to the fml about, could you please carbon copy your post to me,
and then any helpful responses that you get?  Even if you don't have any
sick ferrets now, could you keep my e-mail address handy in the event that
something may happen in the future?  I would like to learn as much as I can
now, so if I am faced with the problem someday, I will know how to treat
it.  If you're not sure whether or not to send something, go ahead and send
it, I can decide if it is info that will be useful to me or not.  Now,
time is something I am extremely short on, so I would probably not respond
unless I had a question about a part of the e-mail, but I would like to
thank you in advance if you do send anything to me.  I don't always have
time to go through the fmls, and most people don't send responses to the
fml, they send them to the original poster, so while I could learn about
the disease from the fml, I may not necessarily read the e-mail that had
the best suggestion for treatment.  I would love to see the creation of a
ferret medical mailing list for all different kinds of diseases, not just
adrenal and insulinoma, and that would be monitored by vets interested in
learning about various unusual diseases also, but that is definitely not
something I would have time to do, and I don't know if it would even work.
So, until something like that exists, I am very interested in anything to
do with ferrets and medicine.  You can forward any e-mails onto me at
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]  Again, thank you.
Also, for any veterinarians on this list (or if anyone knows a vet who
might be willing) who would be willing to mentor a vet student who comes
up with various questions about different aspects of ferret medicine as I
learn different things in school, if you would be willing to help me out
and answer various questions via e-mail, I would so appreciate it.  If
you would be willing to do so, please e-mail me and let me know.
Thank you,
Shelley Knudsen
Class of 2004  KSU Veterinary College
[log in to unmask]  [log in to unmask]
402-463-0190  785-485-2443
[Posted in FML issue 3217]