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Wed, 17 Mar 2010 23:13:44 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret had just set up her lounge
chair with the new umbrella and plopped herself down. Relaxed and
comfy, sipping a nice cold pepsi. Peaceful and quiet. All of a sudden
she heard a whirring of wings and then a kerplunk and looked up to see
a furry head looking down at her THROUGH her new umbrella. SIGH! She
knew who it was. She got up and set down her drink and helped Dexter
out of the mess. Bless his little courier heart. He said,

"Thank you, SawaFewwet for getting me out. You weally shouldn't have
gots such silly things. Whoever heard of fewwets having umbwellas.
Anyway, a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge and you better gets over there.
You know how the Boss gets upset when you messes up. You sure is a
goofy fewwet. Oh yeah, is there anyone you wants me to fetch."

He handed me de note and I read it. I asked him if he would get a group
called de Wrecking Crew (geesh I hope he gots de right ones) and I
scampered to de entrance. I was just in time to see a beautiful silver
mitt fuzzy waiting for me at de entrance. So I introduced myself.

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

She looked at me and said, "I am Tiki and I belong to Mommy Joan. Do
you know her? She got me cause someone brought me back to the pet shop
cause they didn't want me. Anyway she wanted me and she loved me and I
loved her. I feel a lot better now so do you think I could just turn
around and go back home? I know Mommy said I had a lot of friends here
but all I see is you and I guess you and I could be friends. Do you
like to run and play and do you behave well? What do you do for fun

I replied, "Lets see if I can answer some of your questions. I don't
know your Mommy personally although I have greeted some of her fuzzies.
It was very kind of her to rescue you. I was rescued by my Mommy also.
We are so lucky aren't we. I know you feel lots better since you
crossed here, but as I said once you are here this is your forever
home. There is no going back. There are many of your friends here, and
if you will just wait a little while you will meet them. Not to worry,
you won't have to be friends with just me. Although I would dearly love
to be your friends. Of course I like to run and play and yes I do
behave; I have to as I have two kits to take care of and trust me if I
didn't they would let me know. There are lotsa things to do for fun and
your friends will show you all of them when they take you on a tour,
but I will tell you about one of them: the Otter MudSlide is just about
the best thing here. You will just love that. And oh yes, I have
another surprise for you: you will get wings just like mine; well not
exactly like mine, yours will be special for you. They are great for
flying about de heavens, sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud."

So off we went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. But at de door we met one of her friends, Chance, who
introduced himself, (as if he wasn't quite sure if she remembered him).
Happy Days, at least she knew she wouldn't be alone or stuck with a
funny looking girl bridgegreeter. (My opinion anyway). We opened de
door and on de counter was a box marked "Tiki". She opened it and took
out her wings--Pink with lavender streaks. I helped her put on her
wings and Chance adjusted her halo. Then she ran to de big vanity
mirror and gazed at the beautiful fuzzy that looked back at her. She
turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." Den I gots
an idea."

We opened de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water and with one swish she saw a vision of Mommy
appear. She got so excited she started waving and dooking with all of
her might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for taking me
home. I have beautiful wings and soon I will be able to fly. I feel
lots better now. I met a friend here and he said there are others here
and a lot of things to do."

Then she began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of
her love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to
your house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed
there. And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we left there, Tiki had another question to ask me, "How do I get to
be what you are? A bridgegreeter? I could do something like that."

I looked at her and replied, "Tiki, it really isn't an easy job
although I know you are a very capable fuzzy from what your Mommy
wrote. You will have to ask de Boss about it after you are here a
while. I will chat with you later on if that is what you decide to do.
Maybe you will be too busy playing and running around and having fun to
do it. But you just drop by my cottage and ask me any questions, ok?"

That seemed to make her happy and we continued on down the road until
we saw a large group of fuzzies; some of who she thought she knew; but
Chance was quick to make the introductions: "This is Beka, and leizl,
Aniston, and Zoe and of course Desiderio, and all of the Wrecking
Crew." Tiki seem almost overwhelmed by the large group of friends. She
knew that she would never be alone again. All of us made our way to the
cottage, where another group of neighbors were bringing food in. Music
was a-playhing; you could tell fuzzies were gonna have a party. This
was really a big cottage. Chance said, "This is nothing, you oughta see
the other cottage, we outgrew this one, so we had to get another one.
We call this one the main house." I could see why. Tiki was in the
middle of things; for the newest fuzzy, she was directing things
already. I was invited to stay and dance and eat. But I had lounge
chair set up, minus an umbrella, and a new pepsi to get. So I gave Tiki
a hug and told her to come by my cottage and said my goodbyes to all.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6640]