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Wed, 7 Mar 2007 11:27:08 -0500
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi dis is SaraFerret wit another very late notice. Yes I remember very
well gweeting Adele from Heaven Sent. I remember it just like it was

Another little girl coming across de bwidge asking for Sandee. Dere she
came walking slowly across de bridge and she kept looking behind her
but she still kept walking. Finally she reached me. In her high pitched
dook, she asked Hi my name is Adele, are you Ms Sandee, I was told to
introduce myself. Ms Sandi Robinson told me to be very polite and to
try to be gracious.

I looked at her and my heart just wemt out to her. Adele, Sandee is no
longer a bridge greeter, she is now in charge of teaching kits how to
tell the cloud formations. Oh, she sound so sad. I am SaraFerret, and I
have been the bridge greeter here for ages. And I would love to welcome
you to the Rainbow Bridge. Here are a couple of your friends that have
just come before you--maybe you remember them?

Nanoo and Josh? Oh yea, she cries- and she runs and hugs dem.

Reunions are such a joys and makes tings a lot happiers. I dont like
it when dey are so sad.

She runds back and asks about de food and housing. But de boys are
right next to her--dont ask her--we know where everything is at.

Now hold on Josh and Nanoo I tells dem. She can ask me anything she
wants, I points out to dem--I am de bridge greeter--OOps, sorry Ms
SaraFerret, didnt mean to overstep, er, uh dey both said.

No, dats all right I told dem. But dont get in de way of Adele. I told
Adele dat each housing unit had big food bars with lots of soup and
kibble bars and if dere was something special dey wanted all dey had to
do was to be polite to one of de special mousey angels and dey would
probably whip it up, but it was really important to realize dat de
mouseys were angels and not servants. Would you like to get your wings
Adele, I said, dats usually de first ting we do here?

WINGS? she cried.

Yes, wings. Do you have a special color?

Pink!, she dooked.

Okay, I think we can do pink. So off we went to Kit and Kaboodle to
get de pink wings for Adele.

First set didnt look right on her, second set was too bright, but the
third set was just perfect--and with the halo on--she went over to de
mirror and admired herself in it and twirled around in it. (betcha
didnt know dat we ferrets were vain--yessirree we all are verree vain).
She looked like a little doll. So we went outside. Her buds were all
ready to take her on a whirlwind tour of the place and dey rmembered
what I had told dem about not being too bossy around de girl ferrets.
(Sometimes de boys need to be put in dere place-otherwise dey walk over
us girls). Dey were going to have a welcome party for her later on and
invited me; of course I accepted.

No time to rest as I hear de Boss calling my name, SaraFerret, report
to de Rainbow Bridge, another ferret is getting reading to cross

Loveys and dooks


[Posted in FML 5540]