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Shawna Kaufman <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Aug 1996 22:17:33 -0400
text/plain (24 lines)
Hey all!  You know the old ferret math mentality of "I'm JUST going to
look"?  Well, today I went to the Huronia Ferret Shelter to "look" at their
ferts.  I was planning on seeing if there was one I liked.  If there was,
I'd go home, buy all the necessary junk, and then return a few days later to
pick up the fuzzy.  Well, needless to say, there is a little carpet shark
running around and exploring right now!  I loved her so much, I couldn't
resist.  And the owner was selling cages for $15... how *could* I resist?
I'm really happy with her.  She's a sable, but she has white feet and a
white bib.  The owner of HFS called her a silver mitt.  Is this right?  She
isn't silver, so wouldn't she be called a sable mitt or something?  She's
incredibly feisty-- really fearless and bouncy.  But I don't think she likes
me very much.  She hasn't dooked once since I brought her home (she was
dooking like mad at the shelter).  And whenever I go to pet her, she tries
to bite me.  When I play "catch the towel" with her, she seems to like it
cuz she keeps chasing the towel.  But instead of dooking, she hisses.  Is
this normal "new fert" behaviour?  And does anyone have suggestions for
names for her?  I'm sure I'll have more questions later, but for now, I'm
going to leave and go play with my new baby.  Even though she seems to hate
me, I really love her.  She's so cute!  I was thinking of calling her Skor,
or maybe Casey.  Opinions?
[Posted in FML issue 1674]