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Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:33:10 EDT
text/plain (84 lines)
Mr. killian, I dont know you at all but I can't believe that letter
you sent. I have written several letters about this and dont consider
myself an illiterate (bad typist , yes!)! I graduated high school,
attended college and studied in Europe. I traveled all over europe. I
feel quite certain most (and probably all) of the people on here are
not illiterate. No one even ever said that anyone on the DM farm is
illiterate. I am fairly new to the fml. but i find just about everyone
on here are caring loving people. They all want what's best for these
poor ferrets. I love animals and would do whatever I can do to help
them. I think anyone who knowingly mistreats animals or children are a
disgrace. But, no one says they are illiterate, they are just cold and
uncaring. If they knew ferrets and cared for them for all these years,
they would know how sweet and funny and loveable these animals are.
They wouldn't leave them out there in the cold and wet weather to
suffer! Someone said that the ferrets in Europe are out all the time.
But they are given proper sleeping quarters with heat and dry bedding
and plenty of food! They have a roof over their head, not a piece of
tin thats labeled "a roof"!

Yes, I feel bad that the man is old and ill but, then, he should give
up the ferrets and see they get to the proper organizations to care for
them. Or at least cut down on the breeding so he can shut down in a
few months, or whatever time it takes get the ones he has left some
adequate housing and food. I can't feel sorry for a man who won't take
care of his animals. I would never feel sorry for a man who does not
provide his children with adequate housing and food! In fact, I would
be condemming that person too! Ferrets and most animals are like
children and need us to help them survive. I can't accept the rule
"live and let live". Every time someone asks me to do that, it reminds
me of when a stray dog came in my yard looking like he hadnt eaten in
days adn had patches of fur missing all over his body. We called the
animal warden and the owner was found and he was returned his animal
(sadly). The SPCA said they were keeping tags on the guy. A few months,
later one of the neighborhood kids said this same man beat a puppy with
a 2x4. Since I hadn't witnessed it, I didnt report it! But I asked the
kid to have his parents call the SPCA. To me, when someone beats an
animal like that he would hurt child. A year later that same man killed
his girlfriends 2 yr old son for going poop in his diaper. He beat the
kid to death. They lived right behind me so I am constantly reminded of
it! Now, when i see animals or kids harmed senselessly I have to stand
up for them! If it's brought to my attention than it's my obligation to
give them a voice!!

I applaud MFRAN for what they are doing. They have stood up and done
more than most people and that includes me! I have already donated and
would be willing to donate more, as I am able, to save these animals
in any way I can! The pictures on their site were mostly taken in
November, I believe, and that is not winter. It was fall and it's when
most people and farmers are cleaning up and preparing for winter. My
home does not look that clean outside in winter but I try to keep it
decent and free of junk. Doesnt look like any attempt was done there!
Beer cans galore thrown under cages, occupied or unoccupied! Looks
like a lot of partying to me!

At one point I called that part of Ohio "the boonies" which I do
appologize for!. I'm sure Ohio is beautiful! Many call where I live the
boonies and it doesnt mean anything to us. But, honestly, I didn't mean
the insult. In fact, I have relatives who live in the bigger cities and
when they come to visit, they say "they are going up to the farm for a
few days". It never bothered me. Thats why I live here! To hear the
birds, the dogs bark, and yes, occassionally a cat in heat. To see the
farms and apple orchards and even sprawling ranches! I love being in
the country!

An "uneducated mob"? I don't think so and if it wasn't a mob, nothing
would probably be done. Remember the Boston Tea Party? That was an
uneducated mob too! We are people standing up for a species of animal
that cant stand up for themselves! We all have a special love for these
animals. I can't beleive you were a shelter and can accept these
conditions for ferrets, any animals for that matter! Then you must have
known for a while, like several others had known (and i'm not trying to
be sarcastic) that DM's farm was a disgrace! Too many people looked the
other way. Now, people are standing up and if we need to be a mob,
then, so be it! This farm has been like this for years and its time DM,
being sick as he is, take responsibility and close down his operation;
and with special care for the animals that supported him for so many

Please excuse my mispellings and mistypes. I tried to proofread! I'm
not illiterate but I'm also not perfect!!

[Posted in FML 5544]