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Sat, 2 Sep 1995 19:03:43 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello!  Well, Cosmo, Carmen, and I made it back to school safe and sound.
I do have two concerns though.  Just to remind everyone, Carmen is a 1.5 yr
old female and Cosmo is a 6 month old male.  They are getting along pretty
well.  They sleep and play together most of the time.  But every once in a
while, Cosmo is really rough with Carmen, who is about 1/2 his size.  He
bites her head and ears and she squeals.  But she always comes back for
more, she never puffs up her tail or bleeds, and things are always fine
later.  So, is this completely normal or is Cosmo being too rough and I
need to intervene?  Just wondering.
I'm curious about something else too.  When Cosmo goes to the bathroom, it
really smells (and Carmen's doesn't).  It looks normal and everything else
is fine, but the odor is just so much stronger than Carmen's excrement that
I'm wondering what the deal is.  Is it because he's a boy?  Does anyone
else have ferrets with varying bathroom odors?  Any passed on experiences
would be appreciated.
I hope all's well with everyone and their fuzzies.  I get the results back
from my ferret allergy test next week - keep your fingers crossed!
Jessica Wilson
[Posted in FML issue 1303]