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Rebecca McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Jan 2000 13:27:48 -0500
text/plain (87 lines)
I almost posted yesterday, but then thought I'd wait, as I didn't know what
outcome I was going to have.  I introduced Nibbles to you all when she came
to live with us about 3 weeks ago.  It's been and up and down battle with
this little girl over depression.  If you remember, she's over 2 years old.
Her previous owner thought she was a male, and the add in the paper said
3-4 year old ferret.  When we got her home she passed a balloon or some
other object we won't go into here-just know it's disposable.  Lady said if
no one would take her they were going to take her to a pet store or the
humane society.
Well, Nibs was an only ferret, never has taken to the others, and she's
become our 'downstairs' ferret, much to the chagrin of the rest of the Crew
She's been to Dr. K's twice for vitamin shots to help get her appetite
stimulated, and it hasn't helped.  I've tried feeding her anything I
thought she'd eat, and there's been some force feedings of duck soup.
Well, last week we had to force fluids on her all weekend, she was getting
dehydrated.  Suddenly she starts eating and drinking, not a lot, but doing
it.  On Wed.  evening I get her out of her pen to take her downstairs and
she's like holding a feather, her weight has gone away.  I started forcing
fluids and duck soup, not knowing if she'd be alive Thursday morning.
6:15 am I'm on the phone to the vet, and he told me bring her in for Sub
q-lactated ringers.  So in we go, she gets the fluid.  He mixed in more
vitamins, a med for her liver, and another couple things I can't remember.
He told me to keep her under my sweater to keep her warm.  So Sara helped
me get in to the building with the carrier, Nibbles, and in we went.  I was
having trouble carrying her and got the bright idea to go to Central Supply
and get that type of tape that adheres to itself.  Well, the guy suggested
an Ace bandage, and necessity proved the mother of invention.  I put that
thing around me and tucked her into it, kind of like a fanny pack, but
more like a 'ferret pack'.  I ran around most of yesterday with a large
'swelling near my stomach area-people thought I had a heating pad!  My one
boss, Dr. Coppoc, knew what was going on and just cracked up-said I looked
pregnant.  Thank heavens I work in a vet school and people understand this
type of thing.
When she got uncomfortable I put her in her crate and she 'did her thing'.
One of the 'exotic' vets from the clinic had called and wanted to know if
I'd be willing to let some of my kids be the 'stars' of one of her classes.
Somehow Nibs got brought up and she brought her Nutrical, a high caloric
paste, and some kibble.  She didn't want a thing to do with it.  However,
I went to our cafeteria and got mashed potatoes-gravy on the side.  She
really licked the gravy off my fingers!  I had vets and physicians I work
for in the office watching this.
So, we got home last night, I got out the "duck soup" and thawed a cube.
Every hour/hour and a half she was getting 1/2 ounce.  Pretty soon she was
all over the room, walking (staggering, but walking).  She'd tire out, nap,
walk.  She somewhat gracefully accept the feedings.  I put her in the pet
carrier, loaded with blankies, water and food, on the bed with me last
night, covered it with a quilt.  She didn't want to just lay beside me.
About 2:30 this morning she let me know she wanted out, but she had to
wait.  Fed her this morning and she's here at work with me again today.
Besides making her eat the duck soup she has her kibble and water right
there for when she's ready.  She's walking so much better, so much more
alert.  My vet and Sara both assured me what was happening wasn't my
doing-it was up to Nibbles to decide to get over this, to fight for herself
like I've been fighting for her.
I almost wrote and asked for prayers & thoughts yesterday, but I wasn't
sure she'd be alive by evening, or this morning.  But last night, at home,
I held her against me and told her-"leaving me is not an option.  You will
get well, you will get over this depression." I think she's listening.
So, I'd like to ask all of you who will to send good thoughts and prayers
Nibbles' way for her recovery.  If you want to write me, please send mail
to my home address, as I'm writing from work and won't be here this
My thoughts and prayers to all who've lost their babies and who have sick
ones.  For shelter people-I'm in awe of you.  I've dealt with depression
in Socks & Alix, but nothing like this.  Nibbles reminds me of what you all
write about-pining away, watching for someone whose not there.  She's the
kissiest face little baby, and I wait for that to return.
Rebecca and the Crew of Merry Mayhem
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2943]