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Lisa Whittleton <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Jun 2002 21:19:23 -0700
text/plain (38 lines)
I know that many people have been writing on the FML about reformed bad
biters and how they solved it.  What I have been reading over and over is
that they bit all the time, enough to scratch and sometimes draw blood.
Well, here is my dilemma.  I have this little girl, she is about 10 weeks
old ONLY and she has a horrendous biting problem.  She draws blood EVERY
time and sinks her teeth in without letting go even when you scruff her.
She is in a two-storey cage and when you pass by her cage, she literally
lunges to the cage bars and starts snapping.  I have to wear THICK leather
gloves when I handle her because her biting is so hard that it makes the
wound swell afterwards.  When I change her food and water, the first thing
she does is tip over her food or knock it out (she has two dishes, one
that is a crock-lock or whatever and the other a ceramic dish) and then
she proceeds to soak herself in the water.  To which I have to replace
everything all over again.  I have been trying to work with her for two
weeks and I know this is not a long time but I can't even be consistent
with her because if I were to reprimand her every time she bit, she would
be permanently scruffed.  I have tried Bitter Apple to no avail.  I have
two other ferrets and have never had problems with them.
She is just horrible but obviously I am not going to give her up or
give up on her.  I will continue to try but if anyone could send any
suggestions or comments to why she may be doing this, please write!  I am
open to ANY suggestions!  Also, is there any likelihood that this is a
psychological problem?  I mean, she is not a previously owned or abused
ferret, nor does she have any known health problems, which tend to be
reasons behind biting.  Are there any health problems I might want my vet
to check because this seems weird...
Anyway, I hope anyone can help me out.  Please write me privately or on
the FML.  Anyway you can help out will be appreciated.  I will be so
thankful the day that I can hold her without using the gloves!
[Posted in FML issue 3803]