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Diane Taylor <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 09:06:08 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
I have been reading FML for quite some time now and I am a fairly
easy-going person, live and let live sorta gal but I have got to post this.
What is with some of you people out there?  For God sakes all the pissing
and moaning and slamming and flamming has gotten to be like my two boys
when they were little.  Have you nothing better to do then post negative
responses to some of the most trivial matters of all?  People write for
help and some of them get nasty responses.  A magazine publishes an issue
that has a few items in it that make some people irrate and BOOM, FML is
deluged with petulent whiny posts!  I honestly do not see how Mr. Big puts
up with all this stuff.  If you want to vent your frustration then do it
in a positive manner.  We all have a right to express our opinion, but I
suggest you do not post in the heat of the moment.  If this keeps up I, for
one, will not bother with reading it anymore.  Want to take your anger out?
Send me a few nasty letters!
[Posted in FML issue 2791]