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Mon, 16 Aug 2004 19:05:43 -0400
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August, 2004
Master Largo's News
Cub Reporter Andy
So I know this is old news, but I have to set the record straight, (hee
hee I am sounding like a real reporter) Mum tolds me I needed to fix my
mistakes, I can not be leaving out portent stuff.  So here is the old
news first; then the new stuff that is going on here.  Bemember when Dak
was here and she got lost?  Well when everybody was here looking for Dak;
Miss Donna was at work but she was on that thing mum calls a telephone
talking to all the important people that you need to talk to when there
is a missing kid.  She called Lolly Pop Farm, Ontario County Humane
Society, State Police, and Sheriff Department.  Then when Dak was found
she called them all back with the good news.  Sorry Miss Donna I left
you out last month.  Mum said what you did was berry berry important!
Another thing I missed was the Greenberg boarder kids they are here at
camp, they has been here since May 13.  They has been here so long I
thought they was one of us shelter kids, but mum says they is going home
the end of August.  Their mum and dad had lots of things they had to do
this summer so they left the girls here with us.  One the them things
was; getten married!!  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg.
Well remember a long time ago mum did some volunteer stuff at Petco?
Because mum does that sometimes; Petco had a special donation collection
for our shelter at Christmastime.  In June (6 months later) Mum still did
not have the money that they collected for us yet so Miss Kaleigh and Mr.
Peter went to the store to find out what was going on.  They could do
that because they put money in the collection can.  The Store Managers
tried to tell them that Mum already had gotten the money.  When Mr. Peter
checked with mum and found out she did not have the money yet, Mr Peter
and Miss Kaleigh went back into the store every 2 or 3 days to check on
the donation money.  The managers were kinda upset that they were doing
that but Mr Peter said they need to come up with the $800.00 they
collected for mum and us because they told all the humans that donated
money that was where the money was going.  They even had our shelter
pictures there for the humans to see.  Anyway this is what we fond out,
they do not give all the money you guys put in the cans; to the places
they say they are collecting for.  They finally came up with $476.00 for
us.  Remember they collected $800.00?  They keep the rest for doing all
the paper work.  So mum says if you want to donate to a special place
don't give it to Petco first; just send it direct to your favorite
charity.  That way your charity will get it before 7 months later and
they will get every penny you give instead of giving some of it to Petco
for administrative costs.  That is what Petco calls it; mum calls it a
rip off of nice people that like to help!!!  Psst.  You can pass this
around so other humans know it too okay?
Hey I got to see that Harry human again and I met Kat and Tommy!  You
know that SOS Kat?  Man o man she is soooo pretty!  She is a nice lady
too okay Tommy was nice to but I fells in love with that SOS Kat.  Anyway
they all camed to our house because Kat and Tommy were taking 2 kids from
Jeremiah's shelter mom's Ferretwise.  So Harry picked up the 2 kids (they
is HUGH) brought them here and Kat and Tommy came here to pick them up to
take home with them.  Mum told me that we are 1/2 way for both Harry and
Kat.  So I got to see that Harry again (he made me feel better after I
lost my sissy Becca in June) and meet Kat and Tommy because they was
giving the 2 fur kids a 4-ever home.  I love a happy ending.
Mum wanted me to tell you that it is coat change time!!!!  Some of us
(ME!) has a new winter coat and we are putting on our winter weight.
So don't be alarmed (what does that mean?) if you are seeing missing
fur and fat bellies on your fur kids.  Pretty soon your fur kids will
be big, plump, and all soft and beautiful with a new winter coat.
Some bad news is mum has had many reports by email that many fur babies
have left for Rainbow Bridge.  Mum gets so sad when she gets them reports
but she knows that our Master Largo is meeting them all when they get
there, and showing them around.  Some more bad news is that some new
ferret owners do not know that some food and treats are bad for ferrets.
They think that if there is a ferret picture on the package and it says
it is for ferrets that it is okay.  But mum says humans have to be
smarter then the people that make that bad stuff for us and try to get
you all to buy it.  So PLEASE watch what you buy for your fuzz butt, it
may make them sick enough to go to Rainbow Bridge.  NO! NO! NO!  dried
fruits and veggies for your fur kids okay?  We fuzz Butts are not pose
to have fruit and vegetables; mum says we can not digest them.  Then they
get stuck in our bellies.  That is really really bad!
We have had lots and lots of visitors, humans that want to adopt some of
us kids; like Kelly & Mike from Shortsville, Caleb and his dad from Long
Lake.  Eric far away dad came to meet his far away kids Penelope and
Claudia.  Shelter help, Morgan with her 2 friends.  (they look alike) I
keeped peeking out of my cage thinking I was seeing double.  Mum said I
wasn't they are twins.  Jess and her mom Cindy came to help with cans,
poop papers and cleaning cages.  Good thing they came the day they did
because mum had lots of people drop in with out telling her they were
coming so Jess and Cindy kept the shelter going while mum was busy with
them.  They brought mum them special pretzels that she WON'T share.  Sis
Suzanne came to help mum with cleaning cans.  Kaleigh and Peter delivered
mum meds for some kids, and a white Box mum calls a Nuke.  Mum says the
burner she was using to heat our cold soup in the ferret room was burned
out and not safe any more so she asked Peter to pick us up the tiny
Microwave Wal-Mart had on sale.  Fred wrote to his far away mom Stacie
to see if she would bring treats cuz we was out!  She did!  Lots of
treats.  Only mum will not let us open them all, she says we have to pace
ourselves!  That stinks!  Anyone out there want to write to mum and tell
her that is not necessary?  Donna has still been mowing and keeping up
the yard work for mum and us.  She even keeps our play yard cut really
really good.  When she went on vacation she bought mum 2 hats to wear out
side when she cleans cans.  She has to keep her face out of the sun now
cuz she is on medicine for itchy stuff on her face.  Mum looks silly in
her hats but she says that is okay I look pretty silly sitting at the
puter so we are even.  Oh and then we had a very special visit from
Biscuit and Gravy the 2 kids that went to live with Genny fuzz butt, the
humans Eileen, Tom and Danny.  They came to play in the play yard while
their humans visited with mum.  Mum says the boys look wonderful she is
so happy that they have such a very good 4-ever home.  Mum says I need to
stop this news.  I am only allowed this much space and I have it almost
all gone.  I will catch you all up next month with anything else that
goes on..
Kibble and wet nose kisses
Cub Reporter Andy
Shelter e-Bay Store    http://www.stores.ebay.com/id=4580971
Shelter website and online store     http://www.feretfarm.org
Shelter e-mail    [log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4607]