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Fri, 23 Aug 2002 17:27:18 -0700
text/plain (78 lines)
In memory of my little 'fur-challenged' kid, Elway Ehrless,
1995(?) to August 22, 2002, 9:50am
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"This feels soooooo good", Elway thought to himself.  He had been chilly
and was so glad that dad picked him up and cuddled him.  He felt so warm
and secure snuggled in daddys sweatshirt being held so close.  He looked
up as his hooman dad rubbed the top of his head and gave him a kiss.
Elway just closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling.
The warmth soon became so incredible.  As if he was basking in the warmth
of paradise.  He didn't want to move at all.  He felt so relaxed, so
comfortable.  He had not felt THIS good in years.
He didn't want to stir but suddenly felt an itch.  He writhed and moved
around trying to relieve it, but it was unbearable.  Finally he reached
back to bite at the area that caused him so much discomfort.
"Blech!  Yech ..  ptooie!!  Oh, this damn fur is enough to dry anyones
mouth out.  Yech!!"
Suddenly something in his mind didn't register.  "Fur???  FUR????"
opening his eyes in bewilderment, Elway looked down at his rear end
and tail.  Sure enough, Elway had sported a new coat of fur.
"I've got fur' he yelled, "Hey everybody, I've got fur !!!!"  The little
sable girl standing by him began to giggle, "Of course you do, silly!
All ferrets have fur.  At least the ones I've seen here do".  Elway tried
to explain, "No, I didn't have fur . .  well, I did at one time but lost
it when I got sick.  Now I have fur again!".
The little sable kept giggling.  "Well, all the ferrets here at the
Rainbow Bridge have fur".  Elway stopped.  The Rainbow Bridge?  It ..
it ..  it was true!  Such a place DID exist.  He had heard his hooman dad
talk about it, but didn't know whether to believe him or not.  It was
said all ferrets who went there became healthy again.  It was true !!!
Elway was suddenly pounced upon by the rest of the Kewlkritter group who
had left some time ago.  A few Elway remembered.  Others he knew because
his human told him stories about them and the Bridge.  Simon, the blind
one, could see again.  Putsie and Carri Jo, the two sickly older girls
were in wonderful health.  Elway began running a dooking with all the
rest.  Something he normally had little energy to do.
Elway suddenly stopped.  He had been so overcome with joy and energy that
he had forgotten about his hooman on earth.  A tear fell from his eyes
thinking about the man he knew as 'Dad'.  How he may never see him again,
never be held by him again.
Elway thought of the Rainbow Bridge story his hooman had told him. He
remembered that it said the animals would wait for their hoomans at the
Bridge and go on together from there. "Yeah, if THIS part is true ...
then it must ALL be true!!"  Elway cast his eyes upward.  "Daddee, I wish
you could hear me.  It's true .. it's all true.  We'll be here waiting
for you ... "
On earth, a ferret dad cuddles cradling a limp lifeless shell.  Tears in
his eyes he holds the hairless fert.  Tears fall on the lifeless form.
He felt Elways final sigh after he had kissed his head.  He thought of
the time they had spend together.  Almost 2 years since he had brought
Elway home from the shelter.  Elway had been though so much.  Adrenal,
insulinoma ..  there were other problems.  "Rest in peace baby....".
His heart was aching, but happy in the knowledge that Elway had not
seemed to suffer.
He thinks about the Rainbow Bridge story.  How animals are returned to
health.  How they will someday reunite with the humans who loved them on
His mind pictures the kids who have already left.  Happy, healthy,
running and playing.  He thinks of how Elway would look with his new
black sable coat ... and hopes that it is all true.
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Kritter Crew
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 3884]