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Brad Laraway <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Ferret Mailing List (FML)
Thu, 16 Dec 1993 13:22:05 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
> From: Richard Chandler <[log in to unmask]>
> Date:   Thu, 16 Dec 1993 14:57:28 -0500
> Grrr, I heard an Oregon Lottery commercial on the radio last night that
> pissed me off.  The commercial was all about how people pretend to like
> really bad gifts and how a scratch ticket would be a really good present
> (yeah, right).  The one bad gift that pissed me off had the recipient saying
> "Oh, a Ferret, how nice" with what sounded like a wild dog snarling in the
> background.  That's the first time I'd ever run into anti-ferret prejudice in
> mass media.
> Anyone want to do some digging and find the ad agency and the particular
> "creative genius" who came up with that ad?  We could give him a nice
> christmas present....
        Ya sounds like a good idea.  A box of rodent repellent (ie. Ferret
poop) makes a wounderfully marvelous gift.
        My hart goes out to all who have lost friends over this year.
        May we all have happy holidays and a GREAT 1994.
        Brad, Sebastian, and Mako.
        P.S.  Does anyone have a list of ferret events for 1994.  I know
it's a bit early to ask, but I realy want to go to one or two this year.
I missed out on the ones that were close to me, so maybe I'll do a road
trip.  Best wishes all.  Brad
[Posted in FML issue 0671]