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Mon, 24 Jan 2000 18:34:18 -0500
lilrebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
This is a post to Joe: I tried the personal e-mail but it errored
        Joe <[log in to unmask]
Hello Joe,
I have to say that it is up to the dog and the ferret.  All animals are
different.  I've had two ferret with an 8-9yr.  old Shepherd, they get
along extremely well, ONLY under supervision.  Abby wouldn't do anything
to intentionally to hurt the ferrets, I worried about her stepping on them
and trying to pick them up in her mouth....since she's able to catch and
dispose of moles in the back yard.
Now on the other hand we also adopted another dog Timber and she is a
husky...this on I have to be OVERLY cautious with...she is only introduced
with my hand around her collar and a ferret just out of reach....constantly
vocalizing to the dog to "sit" and "nice".  I really don't trust this dog
to the point of putting them both in the same room and see what happens...
Abby would be no big deal as long as she stayed sitting or laying down...
A few month ago we got two more ferrets... Have you heard of ferret math
yet??hehe..anyway....Yesterday we introduced the first two ferrets to the
new ones...and after play time was over, my boyfriend took his two to put
them away...(mind you I wasn't in the room at the time or it wouldn't of
happened)..he let the ferret on the floor in front of him so Abby could
have a smell and I hear a yelp from the living room and I guess Timber
decided to have a taste, He sometimes doesn't think first......when he does
things....anyway the dog showed her predatory side...I don't know if she
was out to hurt it, and she didn't...just so you all know I ALWAYS vocalize
when I'm doing anything... be it directed to the dog or to the ferrets.....
You' ll have to use your best judgment...
If you are going to intro.  them than go slow and always restrain the
dog... I would do this for a few weeks, then I would let the dog go but
only if sitting, let the dog smell some more..  at this point I think
you'll be able to see if the dog is going to be overly aggressive towards
the ferret...remember the dog has a natural instinct....preditor/prey....
You had said that this dog is new to your house?  Is the dog comfortable
in it's new surroundings?
I would just take your time ....also your ferret may be a rough player and
may be able to take care of itself.....you never know.  Have you had more
responses yet?  I know there are many dog/ferret relationships.
Good luck and let me know how things work out.
Heidi H
[Posted in FML issue 2939]