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Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 06:00:35 -0500
text/plain (121 lines)
Oppose Ferret Sales in PetsMarts
With the rumors of PetsMart selling ferrets flying, I contacted them
directly and asked about it.  This is the crux of their reply:
 "Right now, PETsMART is testing the sale of ferrets in four stores in
 the United States.  We decided to test the sale of ferrets because our
 customers have expressed a demand for them and because we believe they
 can make good and appropriate pets for those who appreciate and
 understand how to properly care for them.
 Ferrets sold during our test period are spayed or neutered, de-scented,
 vaccinated against rabies and have received their first set of distemper
 shots.  The testing period will run through January.  Once the tests
 are complete, we'll make a decision as to how we'll move forward, doing
 what's in the best interest of pets.  Again, we only will sell pets
 that we believe make good and appropriate family members."
All retailers are sensitive to public opinion.  Ferret owners and the
ferret (and other pet) loving public have proven in the past how
persuasive a letter and email writing campaign can be.  It's time to
start another.  If you are pressed for time or just can't seem to
find the right words, read through the following letter.  If it seems
appropriate to you, please, print, email, cut and paste, what ever, but
feel free to use and send it.  The important thing is to let PetsMart
know the public thinks wholesaling yet another pet, in this case ferrets,
is bad idea.
In the following letter, insert your name, address, etc in the first set
of blanks (______), add the correct date in November and sign at the end.
The letter can be mailed to:
                  Phillip L. Francis
                  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                  PetsMart, Inc.
                  19601 N. 27th Avenue
                  Phoenix, Arizona 85027
or emailed via customer service (I am trying to find a more direct email
address):    [log in to unmask]
Remember every note, letter, phone call and email counts!
 Phillip L. Francis
 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
 PetsMart, Inc.
 19601 N. 27th Avenue
 Phoenix, Arizona 85027
 November ____, 2004
Dear Mr. Francis;
I am writing concerning the marketing test in four of your stores
offering ferrets for sale.  I wish to express my opposition to this
project and discourage PetsMart from offering ferrets for sale at any
time, not just as a marketing test, not just over the holidays, but at
any time.
Ferrets are rapidly becoming the third most popular pet in the US, behind
only cats and dogs.  I appreciate what that can mean in dollars and
cents.  However I also know what that means to them as individual animals
and pets as a group.
Already ferrets are over flowing privately run shelters across our
country.  More and more often they are dumped, impounded, or abandoned
outside government operated shelters, the local 'dog pounds', and other
places.  They are being euthanized for lack of homes, while not in the
same quantities, in the very same way, for the same reasons as dogs and
cats: perfectly wonderful pets, with loving hearts, but no homes.
Ferrets are highly specialized pets requiring specialized care.  That
extends not just to housing, but from home care to vet care.  As obligate
carnivores they require a special diet.  As burrowing animals, they
require special housing.  Qualified exotics vets are few and far between
and the local dog/cat vet is ill equipped and ill trained to handle the
myriad of problems and illnesses they develop.
These are intelligent, curious, mischievous little animals.  Their very
nature puts them at risk for injury and death, and their intelligence
level precludes them from living happily in a cage.  They need several
hours of supervised of play and time out of their cage daily to maintain
their mental and emotional health as well as their physical well being.
Ferrets are wonderful, loving little animals, but they are not for
everyone.  They already suffer an over population problem.  Across
our country literally thousands of them are given up, abandoned,
abused and/or neglected each year.  As you well know, for each animal
wholesaled, someone somewhere breeds another at least one other, or
two, or three.  Unfortunately, greed can be a powerful motivator.
PetsMart enjoys a reputation of being a pet friendly and responsible
business.  I believe it is this persona that has kept PetsMart ahead of
its competition in the minds, hearts and wallets of the pet loving
public.  I know a great many pet owners who will not shop in other pet
suppliers because of their tarnished reputations regarding the treatment
of their animals.  Many of these people will go into a Wal-Mart rather
than take a single step into one of those.  Please don't follow other pet
suppliers down the road of the almighty dollar.
Please, consider the well being of these precious little animals as a
group and as individuals.  Consider PetsMart's reputation, the good will
of a very large ferret owning population and stop the marketing test now.
In the very least consider the cost to the lives of these precious little
animals is more than is conscionable and consider the dollar value of the
loss good will of the public.
[Posted in FML issue 4698]