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Sun, 28 Nov 2010 13:42:40 -0800
Vicki Montgomery <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (166 lines)
The last post by Nancy is no different than others by Nancy lately- the
only person I've seen sling mud and out and out attack Kim is Nancy.
One well known and liked person on this list came close to attacking
Kim, while defending a friend, yet did stop short of becoming hateful.

I've seen several people here covertly and passive aggressively slap
Kim around - several of you - one after another. Does that make you
proud? How does that help ferrets or ferret people? I understand why so
many people have dropped the FML from their social networking - they
left junior high school years ago and don't want a revisit here. Even
Debi who has written some of the most vicious and hateful replies I've
read here wrote only a kind and gentle message... I smiled - it felt
good to read a positive post.

Danee wrote a typically eloquent reply without attacking anyone - just
as she was not attacked - her POV and recall were questioned, but she
was not attacked for having a different recall of a presentation than
Kim had. She was able to state her position without personalizing it
into an attack! I've seen Danee, and others write LONG posts - no one
has attacked her or them for that - she states her position and either
states that those positions are her own experiences, opinions or
repeated facts. NO ONE JUMPS HER or others for making thorough (long)

Maybe Kim was right and maybe Kim was wrong, but questioning what Danee
posted was not an attack - are you perfect? - do you never "get it
wrong"? Stop judging. Stop attacking someone for offering a different
position and trying to back it up with facts rather than opinions. If
you disagree and want to reply - try being nice - Kim debating her side
of a discussion is not attacking - debate is healthy - stooping to a
gutteral level of judgement and attack is not good for anyone. And
it's NOT good for ferreters to have lost some of the wonderfully
knowledgeable people we've lost from this list because of the fighting.
Picking apart what someone says and sneeringly smear words is childish.

Here's my opinion of sick people. Sick people are not just the ones who
have unresolved issues in the past or present and taking those issues'
hurt out on others(and who are you to throw that mud - how dare you
attack someone that way - that shows a particular type of name calling-
are you God's gift to good mental health?). Sick people also include
people who are INTOLERANT - intolerance is not just a racial, or
sexual, or religious, or age etc issue; intolerance includes telling,
with attacks, someone, " I don't like how you talk", "I don't like the
way you cover your point thoroughly" (diatribes, going on and on,
extremely long posts), "I don't like what you believe", and trying to
humiliate or shame them simply because they believe differently and
post completely - Puritans certainly did that (intolerance) which
resulted in human tortures, so did early Catholics with the Spanish
inquisitions, which resulted in many torturous deaths, how about the
crusades - those were bloody battles driven by intolerance; there were
also about 2 centuries of witch hunts and trials - INTOLERANCE of those
who are DIFFERENT. Out and OUT liars are also considered sick - by REAL
trained professionals and not locker room psychologists.

I've seen this mob mentality many times before - I've seen its birth
and growth - I've seen one person get upset with someone and whisper
secretly to others who in turn believe the lies - and when enough
small-minded people whisper the lie enough - over and over - to each
other and spread it - all of a sudden it becomes a truism - not the
truth, but a perceived and believed bunch of BULL turned factoid

definition: a false or half-true statement or idea, often accepted as
fact because of wide circulation and frequent repetition, as in print
and electronic media

Many people have emailed Nancy privately? To what end - to gossip? -
to tear Kim apart? - to add fuel to a fire of hate? - to ostracize
Kim because she does something that you don't or won't (that IS your
right)? Do not call yourself a good and righteous person for throwing
stones upon the reputation of another because you don't like their
position or manner of communication. And do not take pride in your
actions because you are willing to smear someone you have CHOSEN to
not like. You do not foster goodness and communication, you foster
hate, fighting and intolerance.

Kim is a direct speaker - she does not play games nor speak in
euphemisms - she says what she wants to share plainly and directly -
SO WHAT. You don't like the way she writes? - FINE - Solutions are
simple - skip her posts and DO NOT SLAM her just because you can
OR learn to read her words and not read into them some fictional
argumentive meaning. That is bullying - no wonder so many children
are bullying other children - this is still true - children learn
at home - are you a bully - you may not think so, but how are you

I have not seen Kim bully anyone or accuse anyone of incompetence or
stupidity for not accepting her position on feeding - I have seen her
defend her thoughts and beliefs over and over. I have read where one,
then another and another of you both defend your own position, just as
she does, and some even attack her. I have seen her words TWISTED - yes
TWISTED - the meaning of what she said turned into something that is
NOT what she said. I've seen you take what ANOTHER person says and
attribute their words to her, though she NEVER said the words herself.
I have also seen her use sarcaism - tongue-in-cheek, maybe to lighten
the tone or the discussion, but she has not attacked any of you. She
signs off Cheers, Kim - if she were angry or being hateful I don't
think she would maintain a positive good bye - I just don't think so. I
am impressed with Kim's restraint and resolution in the face of such
adversity - so many infantile replies to her beliefs.

You're not sick or judgemental or hateful you say? Well here's a to do
list for you - Do NOT assume that she gets some sadistic thrill over
feeding her ferrets what she feels is healthiest - with a pit or not -
maybe she doesn't want "food" rotting in some inaccessible place in her
home either - you've said you don't want that. She also offers prayers
of thanks for the food provided - she did say that. Do you give thanks
for your ferret's food? How about for your own food? That's your
perrogative also and speaks to one's dedication to one's beliefs.

More to do - LEARN what is really in kibble and HOW it's made before
you attack someone for trying to opt for what they believe is part
of the natural world and healthier. And while you are being so
sanctimonous LEARN how YOUR FOOD IS KILLED - THAT is SICK! and you
foster those brutal slayings by consuming vast amounts of MEAT in YOUR
DIET - and for those who can't work it out for themselves - I'm not
talking to vegans or vegetarians. Just because you didn't physically
place these animals in sheer terror and line them up to hear the
screams of those ahead in the death-line and smell the blood, fear and
death they are being FORCED to confront - Just because you didn't hang
live horses, cows, pigs, chickens etc etc by their feet and slit their
throats - again while still alive - doesn't mean you have no cupability
in their torturous deaths. You can't look at death? But you sure can
foster it, nuture it and you are responsible for it being reality -
our reality - human reality - and their reality. Now I'm waiting for
one particular comment to prove my point - let's have it!

Whether apologies are owed or freely given is absolutely NOT THE
POINT - you seem to WANT to find words to twist - issues about which
to argue and fight.

BILL that last post was not ferret or food specific it WAS an all out
attack and in my opinion should NOT have been allowed. STOP IT PEOPLE -
STOP IT - if you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all. But
stop ganging up in some irrational hate-mongering-crowd drawing on each
other for popularity, strength and stone throwing.

[Moderator's note: Actually, if this were not the last day of this
debate I'd have returned your post to you for a rewrite, but I do
want you to feel you've had the opportunity to speak. BIG]

Get on with the task of HELPING each other and ferrets or if not each
other then just the ferrets and try to be friendly - not some selfish,
child-mentality in adult bodies. I'm now disgusted, not smiling and
don't give a rat's hairly tail if you like the length of my post or my
words. STOP FIGHTING and engage your brain and your heart or be like
children of old - seen and not heard.



Tricks and Treats Rescue
Greater Houston/Galveston Texas
713-472-6599 [log in to unmask]

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things,
man will not himself find peace." ~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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[Posted in FML 6896]