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Sat, 20 Nov 2004 20:38:14 -0500
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Master Largos November 2004 News
Cub Reporter Andy Reporting
OH NO!  Now what am I going to do?  My Mr. Bones has gone to join Master
Largo on Rainbow Bridge and now I have 8 paws to fill.  What am I going
to do?  I just do not know what I am going to do!  My mum's heart is
breaking so I can't ask her what to do, does anyone out there have any
idea what I can do now that I am all alone to do the news?
This is what happened, Mr. Bones could not pee one Sunday, Miss Stephanie
and Mr. Tom was here trying to fix mum's dish washing machine that the
mice ate, so they runned him to see our Aunt Mary and Our favorite Doc.
At the same time Miss Dana and Miss Linda brought their Sophie for mum to
look at cuz she was sick too.  So she went up to the hospital with Mr.
Bones.  Mr Bones had to stay but Sophie got to go home.  Miss Kaleigh and
Mr. Peter brought Mr. Bones home to mum the next Monday, but when Mum saw
Mr. Bones she knew it was time to let him go.  He was crying and crying
in pain.  So the ambulance without lights and sirens took mum and Mr.
Bones back up to the hospital so Mum and Mary could help Mr. Bone cross
to the bridge with Mater Largo.  Miss Kaleigh and Mr. Peter stayed with
mum while she held Mr. Bones as he slipped into his wings and went on to
greet all the fur kids up at Rainbow Bridge.  Then they brought mum home
again.  When mum reported that Mr. Bones was gone this is what Mr. Harry
sent to mum.  It Sounds like Master Largo has formed Lakeroad At The
Bridge, Prayers for all of the little ones who have gone.  Thanks Mr.
Harry mum thinks so too.  The same day all of this stuff was going on
Miss Stacie (Fred's far away mom) came to see if mum wanted a new 2
people bed because Miss Stacie was getting a new one and she knowed mum
needed one.  Mum, Miss Stacie and Miss Stephanie (Ziggy's far away mom)
tried to get the bed up the stairs.  That was just not going to happen.
NO way; the box springs were going to go up there!  But Miss Stacie and
mum has an idea so we will be back up and running with a new bed for
company soon!
Peter took Sylvia to see Doc brought her home Nov 1 she died Nov 8 she
has a tumor in her tummy, Oscar is gone 10-28-04 his insulinoma took him.
Dusty; Miss Rets boy and Baby-face; Miss Trish's little girl are at the
bridge with Mr. Bones and Master Largo Jacobie was in to see Doc again
(Mr. Peter's and Miss Kaleigh's boy)
Now I am going to try to stop talking about sad things and tell you some
real happy things that has been going on here at the shelter.
Oliver and Yasmina found a 4-ever home!  YEAHHHHHHHH!  They went to live
with Susann in Endicott (Cocoa's far away mom).  Mum says there are
updates and reports on the web site if you want to read about them
We have had some new faces here at the shelter, they are Julia, Cindi,
and Anna, it is good to see new faces; it is good that they come to play
with us.  We like new shelter friends that come to play.  We even had
some old faces here too, Nichole and Rachel came to help on 10-23.
Eileen, Tom and Danny, Donna, Cindy, Jessica came to help too.  Everyone
that came brought us stuffs... Thanks for helpen mum take care of us!!!!
Oh!  Oh! guess what, our favorite Doc, mums shelter and clinic day (not
by name) and Mr. Dale and his fur kids are in the United Kingdom ferrets
magazine.  is that way cool or what?  Anna called and left a message for
mum saying she saw we are in another ferret's magazine here in the United
States.  Wow is I getting famous??  Mr. Dale took mum's store computer
home with him because it is broked and she could not use it.  He is going
to fix it for mum.
Mum got to see Bradley, Donna tracked down Stewart, Peanut and Butter.
They moved to East Rochester and did not tell mum.  Mum got a little bit
of word from that human Andy but we think that Stewart is sick so Miss
Donna is going to go back and check on them again for mum.  Miss Donna
lives up that way.
There is a lady that makes these really cool ferret figurines, the link
was sent to mum.  Mum saw she made this one guy called war dancer, he is
beautiful, mum fell in love with him and told Miss Kat that she thought
the work was awesome and did she think Karen would mind if mum but her
link on her page.  Well about 3 or 4 days later this package comes in the
mail to MUM!!  Not our names on it, mums name on it..  Mum opens it up
and there in the box is that little guy War Dancer.  Mum just could not
believe her eyes that he belonged to her.  Funny thing is that only a
very few people even knew mum saw him and liked him so somebody was being
sneaky, they did not put their name in it from who sent it.  well we
finally found out it was Mr. Harry that sent it to mum.  Just because!!!!
Mum has it in a very special place in the upstairs hall so we can not
knock it down and breaks it.  If you want to see the work Karen does go
The link is also on mum's web page.
We has some of our kids on the Christmas giving tree along with many
more from other shelters so if you want to help a shelter kid go here
There are Christmas packages coming from the mailman and UPS man already
for us.  Miss Deb stopped in last week with our Christmas stuffs, mum has
not seen Miss Deb in a long long time.  She has 2 of our shelter kids
living with her.  Miss Deb stayed to have lunch with mum and play with
us kids.  Thanks for Christmas Miss Deb!
We has had some new kids come in!  Some really special kids mum will have
them on the web site soon.
Mum wants to remind everyone that the International Ferret Congress is
sponsoring the Symposium April 29 - May 1 2005 so get your reservations
in so you do not miss all the fun.  You can go here
to see what is going to happen and pick up your registration forms at
the same time.  If you want to be a vendor you can reach my mum
[log in to unmask] she is the coordinator for the symposium
Now for a fun story that happened here!!  We were pose to have Power kids
come to camp, but mum was not home when they got here, she runned a sick
kid into Doc on emergency so Miss Vicki took them home again, so this is
what happened to get the kids here at camp.
Okay now for the coming to camp adventure.  Mum was on her way home
from Brockport hospital about 10:30 she was about 1/2 way home when she
remembers she had the Power kids coming to camp.  Great!  Mum did not
have Miss Vickie's cell phone programmed into her cell so that was out.
Mum figures Miss Vicki does not usually get to camp with the kids until
noon so she will be home before the kids get there.  NOT!!  Mum pulls in
at 11:45 Miss Vicki and the fur kids were here and now gone.  Mum calls
Miss Vicki; she says she and Mr. Mike are leaving at 3:30.  Mum tells
Miss Vicki she will come pick up the fur kids after work at 4:30.  Miss
Vicki, says I will leave the house key inside a special place for mum to
find.  So at 4:30; Mickey (mum is baby sitting now for a friend) and mum
take off for Hornell.  1 hr away from home, Mum has already been on the
road for several hours so she is not real happy about traveling again but
for the fur kids she will do it.  Mum gets there at 5:30 PM and there is
NO KEY!!!!!  Mum can not get into the house.  So now the fur kids are in
there; mum can not get them; their mom and dad are not going to be home
till Tuesday!  Mum can not call Miss Vicki and Mr Mike until she gets
home.  Mum gets home at 6:30 PM calls Miss Vicki's cell but has to leave
a message.  Mum tries again an hour later Miss Vicki answers the cell
phone.  Mum says no key Miss Vickie!  OH NO!  Miss Vicki says get in
touch with their neighbor they have a key.  Mum says can they meet her
there in an hour and 1/2?  Miss Vicki says let me call you back.  Miss
Vicki calls right back says that Mr. Michael wants to talk to mum.  So
Mr. Mike starts to explain how mum can get into his office to get a key
that is in a box on the wall next to his desk.  Mum has to have a
combination to a door to get through and 3 other doors to go through to
get to his office, at each door Mum needs to find the light switch.
Stacie (Fred's far away mom) bless her heart came with mum, they also had
a flash light Thank GOD!.  Oh did I mention that Mr. Mike is the Steuben
Co coroner?  And he is the local funeral director?  Are you getting the
picture?  Mum and Stacie get into the first door; find the second door
and the light switch.  The hall way they are going to be going down is
literally on a decline like a ramp.  This is now starting to sink in, Mum
and Stacie is going into the room they prepare dead people!  Oh this is
just fine!  LOL Stacie then has to mention to mum it is Halloween weekend
isn't this fun?  Cute Miss Stacie!  They get to the bottom of the hall
open the door and sure enough they are right in the work area that the
funeral directors use!  NO body home!  Mum and Stacie have to go through
that room to get to the office... Now the smell of formaldehyde is
starting to settle into mum's brain.  Lights on no body home! ;-)  They
get to the office find the key box, get the key go to the house (that is
next door) get the kids, put them in the van.  Now mum and Stacie have to
do the process all over again to take the key back.  Miss Stacie wants to
know if she needs to go with mum!  HA real funny Miss Stacie!  YES you
are going with mum!!!!  Mum dropped Stacie off home got the kids settled
in and went to bed!!!!  How is that for a fun day?  Oh yeah mum called
Miss Vicki and Mr. Mike from Mike's office..  Mum told Miss Vickie to
tell Mr. Mike he forgot to mention where mum was going to end up..  Miss
Vicki laughed and said "He told you NO BODY WAS HOME"!!  it never
connected, not for a single second..  Mum says it is probably a good
thing because mum may have opted to leave the kids home.  LOL
Till next month!
Edited By Mr Bones From The Rainbow Bridge
Cub Reporter
Shelter e-Bay Store
Shelter website and online store
Shelter e-mail
[log in to unmask]
International Ferret Congress
Vendor Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4703]