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Thu, 23 Oct 2003 18:36:15 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
Hi, All.
Today I greeted a guy named Duncan.  He came across the Bridge very
calmly, because he had left the World of the Living in the best possible
way, snuggled deep in his Mommy's arms, warm and safe and loved.  He
wants me to thank her for her kindness, being held like that was a
tremendous comfort to him when it was time to cross.
His friends Tubby and Woozel were very excited to see him again.  The
three guys spent a long time exchanging news, and just generally helping
Duncan to get oriented.  Tubby laughed until his big belly shook, because
Duncan STILL smells like a PB & J!  Last I heard they were discussing the
possibility of filling a bathroom wastebasket with ferretone and knocking
it over for fun.
I met a gracious lady named Cocoa.  She lived a very long life, so she
will always be entitled to be addressed as "Grandmother", even though
here, she is young again and always will be.  It is an honor for a ferret
to be addressed as Grandmother or Grandfather, these are terms of
respect.  She adjusted very quickly, although she is a little worried
about her former cagemate Stanely.  They shared a lot over the years.  He
was always there for her in her long illness, always supportive when she
was weary or tired of taking yet more medication.  She wants him to know
that she feels wonderful now, and will be the first one waiting for him
across the Bridge, before me even!
Grandmother Cocoa and her friends Chester, Ginger, Buddy Luv, and Minnie
got pretty rowdy at the Dirt Mountain.  They had a TREMENDOUS five-way
dirt fight with lots of dooking and war dancing.  They are going to hook
up with Duncan and his friends later, just in case they really do manage
to pull off that stunt with the bathroom wastebasket of ferretone.
Grandmother Cocoa sends her enduring gratitude to her Mommy Ada and her
Daddy Kerry.  The most important lessons she ever learned about love,
she learned from their example.  There was a lot of love in Grandmother
Cocoa's home.
Well, I'm going to go now.  I'm going to see if that thing with the
wastebasket of ferretone really goes down or not!
[Posted in FML issue 4310]