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Ken meyer <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 09:35:30 -0800
text/plain (57 lines)
Hello there fellow fert lovers!!
A quick update on Quasimoto.  I am really at my wits end.
This 4lb monster now weighs 2 lbs, 5 oz. Quasi was placed on a 5 day
regimen of Metronidazole (1/4 tab 1x per day) and Amoxicillin 2x per day.
His poops are more solid, and less green, and he is eating a little, but
only if held or spoon fed.  This is going on 3 weeks.  I am going crazy.
I have made duck soup, and he did not want it.  He will not eat baby food
made of just meat, but does enjoy carrots and beef, or applesauce and
Quasi has 99% stopped grinding his teeth, but I cannot get weight on him.
He will eat out of a bowl if I place my fingers on his neck as if
scruffing, but I have to be touching him or there is no interest.  He also
has a worsening symptom of jerking, as if he is receiving small electrical
shocks.  Sometimes he looks like he was hit with a cattle prod.  This
bouncy active ferret does nothing but sleep, and looks great one day, and
next to death the next.  As I said before, we have both been laid off, and
cannot afford extensive testing.
Well, not to dwell, but I wanted to thank all the wonderful people who
contacted me on this.  One dear lady even offered to buy science diet, and
ship it to me, all for free.  She even sent her phone number (overcoming
her fear of sending it across the net).  I dearly feel the love from the
lists members, and although I will not name names, (((((((BIG HUGS))))))
from Quasi and us to you all.
I feel my time with quasi is growing short, and at this point am kicking
myself for taking him in for those shots.  They started all this.
Anyway, on the lighter side, back when I was a ferret felon in CACA land,
I was transporting a couple ferrets in a cage in my backseat when I was
pulled over on a traffic stop.  As the officer was talking to me, the
ferrets started jumping around in the cage playing, and someone had grabbed
a corner of the towel covering the cage, and a furry little face could
clearly be seen.  The officer stared at the little guy and said "What the
heck is that"  Scared to death I replied "Officer, that is a Siberian wood
rat, and they are the reason I was speeding.  He asked what I meant, and I
explained that being from Siberia, they needed to be kept very cold, and I
was rushing to get them from the vets office back into the room I keep at
home with the AC going full blast at all times.  The officer wished me
luck, let me off with a warning, and told me the rat was a real cutie.
Well, anyway, I have to go feed the brat again, I hope he pulls thru before
I get an ulcer.
To succed in Life:
Work Like You Don't Need The Money
Love Like You've Never Been Hurt and
Dance Like Nobocy's Watching
[Posted in FML issue 2951]