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Connie Martin <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 15:25:31 EST
text/plain (22 lines)
Yesterday while walking back to my office at lunch I decided to fall on my
face and really screw up my ankle.  What does this have to do with ferrets?
Well when I got home I wanted to put a heating pad on my ankle (yes, I now
know it's ice first, heat second).  I don't own a heating pad.  What to do,
what to do... Then I remembered that I had bought a Ferret Rice Bed from
the wonderful people at The Dancing Ferret.  I took the rice bed, put it
in the microwave and heated it up!  Then I put it on my ankle.  Warmth,
comfort, happiness!
I have purchased the rice bed in case my babies had surgery and I have read
that the heat after the surgery is very beneficial to them so I wanted one
to have one one hand.  While Butch and Maggie haven't needed it yet their
mom found it very helpful.
If you're interested in hearing more about the bed let me know.  All sales
go to help the ferrets at their shelter.
Happy holidays!
Connie, Butch, and Maggie (she's not going to start expecting to share our
treats is she)
[Posted in FML issue 3272]