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Rick Jackson <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 07:59:54 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi Everyone!!
Well, our little Bandit has had her adrenal surgery.  Dr. Doolen removed
the Left gland, which he believes to have just been hyperplastic (Thank
Heaven).  She is doing SUPER!!  Everyone at the hospital fell in love with
her and she was the perfect little lady, giving them all kisses and cuddles
while she was there!  She came home yesterday, and immediately started
pigging out, where we had her own little post surgery recovery cage set up
for her.  We brought her cage mate, Slinky, over to see that she was OK and
they kissed and nosed through the cage until Bandit got tired and crawled
back into her cubby.  Slinky seems to be much relieved, she has perked up
since seeing her.  She had been kind of mopey since Bandit had left for her
We want to thank all the great people who sent email wishes and donations
for our little sweetie It really reaffirms ones faith in humans to find so
many caring and giving folks out there.  We not only received donations
direct to Dr. Doolen, we got hammocks, sleep sacks, cheerios, a Ferret
Store Gift Certificate and much more!!!  The list is too large to thank
everyone here on the FML, but we will thank you each and every one
personally as well as on our web site(look to the Sponsors page).  You are
a wonderful group!!
Bandit goes back to have her staples removed on the 11th , so we will keep
you updated as to her progress.
Again, thanks so much to you all!!
Denise & Rick Jackson
KiSta Ferret Rescue North
129 W. Westside Ave.
Red Bank, NJ 07701
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[Posted in FML issue 2578]