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Marie Schatz <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Apr 1996 11:28:44 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
For FML vets: Ijust got a flyer from my vet clinic regarding flea and
heartworm programs for dogs and cats.  They list 3 heartworm treatments:
Filaribits Plus, Heartgard 30 Plus andInterceptor.  The heartworm test is a
"standard filter test" or an "occult heartworm test".  How do these, test
and medicine relate to ferrets?  I've seen a lot of posts lately but am
confused about the best way to do this.  Also for flea control they list
option 1 (of 4) for dogs, cats and ferrets - Program.  But they go on to
discuss once a month control for dogs and cats without mentioning ferrets.
Option 2 for dogs and cats is an IGR.  Whats the treatment for ferrets?  My
ferrets go for little walks around the outside of my house and that's about
it.  Sometimes there out with me on the screened in porch.  Last year my
female did pick up a few fleas which I combed off her (it was late in the
year so it wasn't a big problem).  I live in Michigan.  Any advice to take
to the vets with me?
TIA Mary, Boris and Giesela (who loves the outside)
[Posted in FML issue 1526]