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Mon, 3 Mar 2003 02:33:46 -0500
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RE: animal hoarding post-I wonder if you're not thinking of the posts Re:
Zoo and her ferrets?
RE: Sukie's comments about Val's situation I think you hit upon a very
important fact.  That life is never as we plan it to be, and that while
you can't always prepare for the bad like you wish you could, the way in
which you deal with the difficulties life throws you is the what makes
you mature (or not in some peoples cases).  From all that I've read from
Val she's a great person and loves her ferrets dearly.  She's someone who
I do not know personally, but I can say I respect all the effort she put
forth in order to find her babies a good home.  Remember the post she
sent about the kind of questions to ask a potential home for her fuzzies?
I do, I emailed her about it and offered to take them if I weren't so
far away.  Would I have given Buckie back?  With ribbons and bells on!
I know how life can throw you some unexpected curves.  I too am "young"
(25) and you know what?  I juggle being the single mom of a fantastic
seven year old son, a full time job, college full time and I take
wonderful care of my two ferrets, two cats and two fish.  (I'm assembling
the Buddhist version of noah's ark...)  Through divorce, bankruptcy, the
loss of several loved ones and all sorts of insane adventures I have
managed to make the best of those wacky curve balls that I wasn't
expecting and you know, sometimes I didn't know what the right decision
was until after I made it, sometimes I made the wrong decision and just
as often I made a wonderful decision.  Each time though I can say that I
either became a stronger person or learned an important lesson.  Val,
I'm sure you'll do great in College.  (It's really not that hard if you
remember to look forward to what it is you're going to do with that
degree once it's on the wall!) That's the key though.  Look forward every
day of your life and if you're diligent you might be able to see some of
those potholes ahead of you far enough in advance that you can navigate
your way around them smoothly.  Or at least slow down so they don't do
too much damage to you!  (I'd like to pause here to thank the state of
Indiana for the pothole analogy.  I swear my car has gotten sucked into a
different new abyss every day since the snow started...) I hope the end
of this thread is near.  I'd like Val to be able to feel like one of us
again... She's a pretty cool gal and we're lucky to have her on our side!
OH, I noticed there aren't email addresses on posts anymore- (just
noticed it today) I've been meaning to ask Bob C. what book it is that
you were referring to in your PETA post a few days ago.  I have a few
friends that are PETA supporters that I'd like to show it too... If you
could email me at [log in to unmask] whenever you get the chance
I'd appreciate it greatly.  I'd also like to thank everyone for their
responses to my original PETA/Ferret post.  I found out some very
interesting things and am glad to be a part of such an intelligent and
insightful group of folks!  As for the milk campaign.  It's not just a
PETA thing.  There are health reasons that have been researched as well.
(I'm vegetarian and an egg away from vegan... just can't give up those
darned omlets...I am also an avid reader of helath research and
information)  PETA just reminds me of those excessively dramatic
teenagers I get as a patient every now and then.
Re: Todd's perspex play pen
Better not let the ferts get ahold of any instructions for this... I can
see the pictures of you stuffed in a plexiglass playpen with weasels
wardancing all around you doing the FLO victory dance!  LOL
Last but not least (criminy I've had a lot oftime on my hands tonight!) I
have a question for BIG- (I'm a curious kind of gal)  As moderater of
the FML I have to assume you have ferrets.  (or at least enjoy them
enough to invest a chunk of each day to sorting through and organizing
the FML)  Why no occasional post or participation?  (I'm guessing there
might be some rule somewhere???)  Just curious as someone whose only
been a part of FML for maybe a year now as to your status among the
world-o-fuzzies.  Thanks!
[Moderator's note:  Addresses still show up on the posts -- maybe it's
a new Earthlink anti-spam "feature"?
Well, I do occasionally post, but true, it's pretty darn rare.  There's
no rule about it, really, but by the time I get through the FML and
answer private e-mails and calls there really isn't too much time left
over for much else.
Yes, I have a varying number of ferrets -- currently only ONE full-timer,
but that's subject to change all the time :-)  I've been fascinated with
them for as long as I can remember (way back into childhood) but since my
family back then wasn't really "animal people" I had to wait until I had
my own place till I could have animals.
I live in NYC, for a little while longer anyhow, but will go rural as
soon as practial.  I work for the City University in NY playing with
computers, have dabbled in vet teching, ambulance duties and even a
couple of jobs washing dishes and everthing in between!  But I'm kinda a
"techie" at heart, so lots of my interests are along those lines, though
I try to make room for a game of pinball or a quick trip to Disney World!
OK, enough for day? :-)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4076]