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Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:26:23 -0400
text/plain (42 lines)
Spoke with Linda and Fish, Game and Wildlife and she said that anyone with
a question can call either the Trenton office or the northern branch of
Non-Game Division (Hedgehaven Farm in Hampton -- 1-908-735-5450) to learn
that ferrets are still classified as "Exotic Pets" in N.J. and that permits
are still required.  She's also appalled but not surprised that CA F&G is
misrepresenting N.J.'s stance so badly.  Actually, I'm not surprised
either -- NJ FG&W has HELPED over-turn restrictive local laws about ferrets
when owner WHO HAD PERMITS for their ferrets challenged them, and I can't
see the CA F&G people liking others in sister departments who know the
topic better and then use that knowledge to help ferrets.
So, reminder: If in N.J. and without a permit send $10 and info such as
ferrets' ages, genders, neutered or not, living conditions, vets, and where
obtained and when to:
NJ Dept of Fish, Game and Wildlife, Non-Game Division
CN 400
Trenton, NJ 08625-0400
Hadn't thought it had changed.  I've worked with them on and off over many
years (something over 15), through two heads of the section that handles
ferrets, and have always managed to have a friendly relationship which is
based on both parties wanting to be as accurate as possible.  Still hoping
that there eventually is enough data -- including published reports of
American Mink outcompeting polecats in their native ranges -- to get them
to have ferrets reclassified as domestic, but the wait isn't for any nasty
reasons, it's just a matter of them wanting to be very careful while still
fully protecting ferrets as permitted pet animals.
Before Faye Sorhage came on at the NJ Health Dept in charge of rabies
policy it was actually our own FG&W which passed on the progress in rabies
studies to the our Health Dept. because they felt that would help protect
the animals.  Faye Sorhage was always in the forefront of much which went
on so that wasn't need with her, but what used to happen before her was
that people like Dick or Troy Lynn would dig up studies for somewhere on
the planet, get them to me, I'd send them on to the people I knew at FG&W
and they in turn would get them to the right people at the Health Dept.
Still do get studies to the folks there when there are new ones which are
potentially useful, and they are pleased to get them and learn from them.
Good people and real professionals.  Proud of them.
[Posted in FML issue 2846]